I'm not going to wear those freaking things and you can all suck it.

Gail Klosterman

No Tandy! Don't be a hero! The baby! THE BABY!

Carol Pilbasian

Oh I'm just in Cher's tree throwing Cher's bocce balls at Cher's vases.

Melissa Shart

Let's leave before Pat comes back and kills us all or makes us wear those freakin' janky jeans.


Lewis: I told you he was crazy!
Tandy Miller: Lewis, this isn't a who knew who was crazy when contest and if it was, I won because I knew it all along.
Lewis: Oh please you could not get his jeans on fast enough.

Lewis: I was a surgeon.
Erica: That's amazing! Carol and I, we're pregnant.
Lewis: No no no, for trees. A tree surgeon.

Carol Pilbasian: Have you learned your lesson about not using firearms?
Melissa Scharte: Yes, yes.
Carol Pilbasian: Firearms are not the answer. I stand by that.

Pat Brown: Do you like hair?
Gail Klosterman: What?
Pat Brown: Hair. Do you like it? On guys?

It took me a while to figure out Tandy wasn't a dangerous lunatic but in fact, the man of my dreams.

Carol Pilbasian

Phil: This, my friend, is full of active fart.
Mike: So, you farted into a jar and you saved it?
Phil: This is not some whimsical pursuit, Mike. This is a valid scientific experiment. And an important one at that. How long can a fart retain its unique smell composition in a sealed jar?

Ugh, you just don't get it. That's thirty years of science down the tubes.


Todd. Erica. Full disclosure, I have had a baker's dozen wines but I think I'm seeing something kinda on the spectacular side out here. Can I get a little confirma-doodle-do on this?


The Last Man on Earth Quotes

Carol: We should go back and get that bomb...
Phil: Carol... I knew you were gonna say that. I don't know how to put a bomb back in that little thingy!
Carol: We're Americans, we put a man on the moon!
Phil: Fine, if you wanna go back and get the bomb, we'll go back and get the bomb.
Carol: That won't be necessary, Phil, it's fine. Just the fact that you offered is good enough for me.

(to herself) Hm. Nice. Could use a little razzmatazz, though. Bam. "Oooh, Carol, where did you get such an expensive T-shirt? In the jewel markets of Monaco?"
