He was helping you with something that you clearly didn't understand, and you barked at him.


This is harder than it is on TV.


Walter: She's very much EQ for my IQ, if you know what I'm saying.
Toby: I do and gross.

You took her to see the corpse flower?


No, you drove towards a tornado. There's no equation that makes that safe.


For the record, that theoretical marriage thing? You should chew on that for awhile.


Happy: What is that?
Toby: Back up hat. I keep them stashed all over the garage.

Walter: You're going to want to buckle in.
Paige: I am buckled in.
Walter: Then you're going to want to hold on.

Thanks, Walter. You are always such a source of comfort.


Your professor is a human. You're a genius. Now I have faith in your mind, but if you don't, then there's no point in you having your ability.


Uh, I think we've lost Walt. He's officially nuts.


Since we can't control the weather, we're toast.
