Thank goodness, the calvary is here.


There was nothing more stunning than seeing perfection with a slight imperfection. It makes the perfection stand out even more.


Don't worry. The guards won't kill you because I'm going to kill you first.


Walter: You roped him into a suicide mission.
Tim: The government assigned a mission, and Cabe said nothing but yes.

Sylvester: Are there any monkeys on the base?
Happy: Okay don't embarrass us in front of the marines.
Sylvester: They make me very uncomfortable. They are human like, and yet they still throw their feces.

Now I requested Scorpion detail because I read about all of you, and you're amazing. Hopefully I can learn something being here despite the fact that your intelligence has me completely intimidated.

Tim Armstrong

You are threatened by an intern.


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but then I get to sue you.

Heywood Jahelpme

Truth and dare is as close as I can get to gambling.


Just dance, monkey!


Tim Armstrong: I'm excited to work with a team of geniuses. What are they like?
Cabe: They are unique.

This is the definition of efficiency. Making every second count.
