Walter: Why do we keep getting invoices from the United States Treasury?
Paige: Because we flooded Fort Knox.

Medically speaking? He's nuttier than peanut brittle.


The world needs to catch up to you because if it can, even a little, imagine what a place it would be.


And on that page, 9/22/2014, the day I first met Walter O'Brien. That's important because it was the day I realized I wasn't alone. He taught me there were others like me who cared about me.


Walter: Trust me.
Toby: How can I trust someone who just made a nuts and seeds pun?

Tim: These guys are insane.
Cabe: These guys are going to give me a heart attack.

Cabe: What's your 20?
Walter: For the second time today, very close to Toby's backside.

I go four blocks to the court house and all hell breaks loose.


Who built this place, a Bond villain?


Heywood: I guess that's why I want to protect the little guy too.
Paige: Well, you don't get any more little than Ralph.

There are soldiers running at us with riffles.


Toby: Which means that real guards
Sylvester: With real guns
Walter: Will try to stop us.