Buck: What did you get Athena for your first Christmas?
Bobby: An engagement ring.
Buck: Oh. No. Not doing that.

Maybe we can invite the UPS driver for Christmas. I think he might be more invested in the holiday.

Athena [to Bobby]

Eddie: Right and left ankles are broken.
Buck: One for each wife.
Eddie: He's lucky that's all he's broken.

I tell other people's stories for a living because I hate telling my own.


Taylor: Buck, I told you not to come.
Buck: You know me. I don't always listen.

Athena: I mean, maybe they did do it on purpose.
Bobby: Inside job. Eliminate the impossible and only the improbable remains.
Athena: Oh yeah, Okay, Sherlock.

Bobby: Why does this keep happening to you?
Buck: Well, to be honest, I think...
Bobby: No, I'm gonna tell you why. Because you don't talk to the women you're dating. You just go with the flow and find yourself in a relationship, with no idea how you got there and what to do when things start to go wrong.
Eddie: Yeah. Who does that?

I hope she's insured.


Chloe: You didn't...
Gabi: What?
Chloe: Run. Still...here.
Gabi: Where would I go? I don't have a license.

Michael: But last night, I watched people come together and save someone they didn't even know. More than one. And I said to myself, I can do that, too.
Bobby: That's wonderful, Michael.
Michael: I mean, not in an actual fire because that's terrifying and you know, you people are crazy.

Hen: You okay?
Ravi: I was supposed to save him. Not the other way around.

Claudette: Did you make it to room 318?
Buck: There is no room 318. It's gone. The fire took it.

9-1-1 Season 5 Quotes

Buck: What the hell is happening?
Eddie: I have no idea!

I really thought this year was going to be different.
