Chimney: Bagpipe lung. First time I've seen that.
Eli: Buckle up, my friend. You're about to have a lot of firsts today.

Kira: Why would he hate you?
Maddie: I almost killed our daughter.

Maddie: You really think that I'm getting better?
Shonda: I am no doctor, but I've been where you are, and I think you're getting stronger. You're stronger than you think you are, Maddie.

Hen: Alright, up we go, Monday.
Jonah: Name’s Jonah. And you know that. Why do you keep calling me Monday?
Hen: Cuz there’s a new one of you every shift. To me, you’re Monday.

May: Hey, Bobby. Sorry, I’m late.
Bobby: You’re not late. We’re gonna sit down as soon as I get changed.
May: Oh, great.
Bobby: I want to hear all about work over dinner.
May: You mean you wanna know how Eddie’s doing.
Bobby: Well, how is he?

Buck: Okay, you’re making me nauseous. I’m gonna need you to pick a side.
Hen: Honesty. Honesty is the best policy. Also, it’s the easiest to remember.

Buck, you need to move on. I have.


Buck: Evan Buckley. Nice jump.
Lucy: Lucy Donato. I give yours a 7.

Hen: Listen. Chimney and I, we…when we were working together, it didn’t feel like work. It just felt like I was out there with my best friend. You can’t replace that.
Jonah: I wouldn’t try. But I am willing to put in the time. To earn your trust and your respect. If you decide to let me.

Hen: We're really gonna leave em, Cap?
Bobby: There's nothing else we can do.

Eddie: Okay, we'll make an even bigger gingerbread house next year, right?
Christopher: You could be dead next year!

Arthur: So, uh, what happens now?
Ladies: We want a divorce.
Arthur: But it's Christmas.
Athena: That's right, ladies. Fight the real enemy.

9-1-1 Season 5 Quotes

Buck: What the hell is happening?
Eddie: I have no idea!

I really thought this year was going to be different.
