Tejada: Who steals a stop sign?
Athena: Idiots. That's who.

Hen: How long were you in there?
Patrick: Time doesn't really exist in there.

Bailey: I don't know how you guys just did that.
Chimney: Dumb luck.

You guys totally fell apart without me.

Chimney [to Hen]

Buck: Hey, where are you going?
Taylor: Oh, I have no idea.
Buck: Are you gonna come back?
Taylor: Of course. I don’t have anywhere else to go. You made sure of that.

Lucy: So, that’s the infamous Chimney. What do you think?
Jonah: That I should probably start packing. What about you?
Lucy: I thought he’d be taller.

Eddie: I’m afraid.
Buck: Okay. Okay. What are you afraid of?
Eddie: That I’m never gonna feel normal again.

Buck: Basically, I did a dumb thing. And I wasn’t sure how to tell Taylor, so instead, I did an even dumber thing.
Maddie: Asking her to move in?

Buck: They say the only thing to fear is-
Hen: Crazy people.

Maddie: I got out of the ocean for you. For both of you. But I had to stay here to learn to stop running.
Chimney: Maddie. I would have done anything to help you. I beat myself up every day that I didn't do more.
Maddie: I'm so sorry for everything that I put you through.
Chimney: I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you.

Chimney: You okay?
Maddie: Yeah. Is Jee with you?
Chimney: She's fine. Staying with a friend while I play paramedic again.

Maddie? Why is your face on the bulletin board?


9-1-1 Season 5 Quotes

Buck: What the hell is happening?
Eddie: I have no idea!

I really thought this year was going to be different.
