Heart Check - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

Is Jay Garrick just like us? Caitlin is about to find out as she gives him a physical exam. He sure seems friendly enough from this angle, doesn't he?

Checking Out the New Guy - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

Iris and Caitlin check out the capabilities of the new guy. Is he stronger, faster and better than Barry Allen? Will Barry be able to learn from their new friend? Caitlin will be able to capture all the data they need on her trusty computer.

Good Measure - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

This time we're ensuring we understand how freaked out the ladies are about what's happening. Notice the juxtaposition in the style choices of Iris and Caitlin? I'd think Caitlin, as a scientist, would want to be more comfortable for her work. Guess not!

Infiltrated - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

It sure looks like someone has infiltrated STAR Labs again. From the trailer we know that the Atom-Smasher manages to morph his way somewhere. Perhaps it's here? They look none too happy, not a single one of them. And Joe's got a gun drawn again!

Happy Couple - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

So do you think Ronnie and Caitlin are going to be that couple who are constantly touching each other and making everyone else in the room wonder when they're going to bugger off and get a room of their own? Just saying. Get a room!

The Look of Love - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Barry and Professor Stein look on at Ronnie and Caitlin gaze at each other lovingly. That's the look of love, you guys! Just think, it won't be too long until Professor Stein is off on his own little project.

The Newlyweds - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Wether they're still newlyweds on the show, they're still newlyweds to us! It seems like just yeterday Caitlin and Ronnie were tying the knot, doesn't it? It will be exciting to see how they act together these days.

Help is Here - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

It's hard to guess, really, why Dr. Stein has been called in, or when. Maybe he's helping Barry determine when and how to get BACK IN TIME to his mother? Shiver me timbers!!

Entering the Accelerator - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Barry is going into the particle accelerator, which is probably where the man they knew as Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash is being contained. We have to assume he can be contained!

Hunkered Down - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Cisco, Caitlin and Joe hunker down for safety. Good call!

Cold Cocky - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

It could get annoying if Cold is always cocky when he's good.

Special Request - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Barry turns to Captain Cold for a special request.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
