Looking at Love - The Flash Season 1 Episode 14

Barry gets a close look at love as Caitlin clings to Ronnie.

Reunited - The Flash Season 1 Episode 14

Ronnie is reunited with Caitlin after the blast -- for real.

Blast Radius - The Flash Season 1 Episode 14

Caitlin and Barry got away, but not so far away not to be affected by the Firestorm blast.

Reaching Out - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Caitlin reaches out to the bit on Ronnie's chest. What is it?

Getting Physical - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Are they in the snow so they can get physical? It works!

Carrying Caitlin - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Barry carries Caitlin down the hillside. What has happened to her?

Caitlin in the Snow - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Could there be a more perfect setting for Caitlin Snow?

Appealing to Ronnie - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Caitlin is appealing to her ex fiance. What are they talking about?

Shocked - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Caitlin looks shocked. Is Ronnie there, hiding out in the snow?

The Flash to the Rescue Season 1 Episode 13

Barry rescues Caitlin in full Flash gear. Where are they?

Flash Team Pow Wow - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

The Flash Team has a pow wow about Ronnie. Just a hunch.

Fast Friends - The Flash Season 1 Episode 13

Caitlin knows she can count on Barry no matter the problem.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
