Captive - The Flash

Caitlin is held captive by Gorilla Grodd! Will she be the Fay Wray to his King Kong? Certainly the smart Gorilla has a soft spot inside there, and she's gonna find it!

Side by Side - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Caitlin and Cisco are standing there, mouths agape, as they decide their next move. In order to find out what it is, we'll have to watch The Flash!!

Shock and Awe - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

This is a look that says those pesky STAR Labs enchanced security systems didn't exactly do their job. Will that place ever be safe?

Flash Team at Jitters - The Flash Season 2 Episode 5

They're always going to toss in one of these Flash team at Jitters photos, and more often than not, it will have Barry putting a hand on Cisco's shoulder. Very odd, that.

Woozy - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

Suppose Dr. Stein is willing to try pretty much anything to keep from becoming another blue ball of flame, especially since he can't seem to control when it's happening. It's horrible to see him looking so darn vulnerable!

The Gang's All Here - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

It sure looks like they're all preparing for a test run. What on earth must Jax be thinking as this is all going down? It should be very interesting to find out. After all, the first duo didn't have a choice in the matter!

Still Bedridden - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

So Dr. Stein IS still bedridden. Taking it easy when you're prone to blue flames flying out of your head and hands is probably a good thing. Always err on the side of caution!

Persuasion - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

Is Barry using his powers of persuasion here to help Caitlin see that Jax isn't such a bad match for Dr. Stein? Will he be the only match? Will they have a whole boatload of time to hunt down another?

Concern - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

When a match is discovered for Dr. Stein in Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Caitlin will be concerned that he may not be be the right candidate. What's going to be her sticking point?

Up and Around - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

It looks like Dr. Stein is up and around. That is a good thing! He must be helping in the search for his perfect match. Wonder how close they've come to narrowing down the candidate list in this photo.

Lending an Ear - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Lisa Snart goes to The Flash Team for help in the kidnapping of her brother. Who kidnapped him? None other than their father, Lewis Snart. If you recall, he was a sadistic creep who treated them cruelly when they were children. As an aside, how cute is Caitlin's hair this season?

Flash Team - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

The original three Flash Team members chat amongst themselves, either before or after Barry heads out on a mission. They probably just learned Leonard Snart has been kidnapped!

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
