Private moment - The Flash Season 3 Episode 13

Caitlin and Julian share a quiet moment outside Star Labs. We can't help noticing things look a little awkward. Did their coffee date not go well?

Smile! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 13

Last we saw Caitlin, she was heading out to have coffee with Julian. Does the smile on her face mean things went well? We've missed seeing her smile.

Failed Rescue - The Flash Season 3 Episode 13

Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and Julian headed to Gorilla City after Jesse told Wally about her father being captured. It doesn't look like they're successful on the rescue mission.

Caitlin behind bars - The Flash Season 3 Episode 13

This isn't the first time Caitlin's been Grodd's prisoner. She's managed to talk the gorilla down in the past. Will she succeed once again?

Dr. Snow or Killer Frost? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 12

Could Caitlin be channeling Killer Frost to cure what ails Iris? Maybe ice is the answer.

Caitlin helps Iris - The Flash Season 3 Episode 12

Dr. Snow treats Iris after the meta human attack. What will it take to save her?

Saving Iris - The Flash

After Iris is caught in the crossfire, it's up to Caitlin to save her life.

Team Flash on the case - The Flash Season 3 Episode 11

As usual, Cisco and Caitlin are hard at work behind the computer. We know they'll get the job done.

Fancy Party - The Flash Season 3 Episode 10

Team Flash gathers in their finest threads. Big parties usually mean trouble's not far behind in the superhero world.

Cisco's Confused - The Flash Season 3 Episode 10

Barry, Caitlin, and a mystery guest in the lab look on as Cisco questions HR. What's the latest version of Wells up to this time?

HR's Showing Off - The Flash Season 3 Episode 10

Cisco, Barry, and HR shares smiles, but Caitlin looks pretty serious as the lab's guest lingers in the background.

Looking For Help - The Flash

Caitlin looks for help from her mother but things don't go as she'd hoped on The Flash. "Monster" is the fifth episode of the show's third season.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
