Xander: It’s no biggie. You’ll have a nice soiree, the parents will love you. As long as nothing really bad happens between now and then, you'll be fine.
Buffy: Are you crazy? What did you say that for? Now something bad is gonna happen.
Xander: What do you mean? Nothing's gonna happen.
Willow: Not until some dummy says, "As long as nothing bad happens."
Buffy: It's the ultimate jinx.
Willow: What were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all?
[Buffy and Willow leave frustrated]
Xander: What, you guys don’t know. Maybe this time it’ll be different?

Cordelia: Xander, I just wanted to thank you for saving my life. What you did in there was really brave and heroic, and I just wanted to tell you if there's anything I could ever do to...
Xander: Do you mind? We're talking here. So, where were we?
[Cordelia walks away shocked]
Willow: Wondering why we never get dates.
Xander: Yeah. So, why do you think that is?

Xander: You know, this might go a lot faster if you femmes actually picked up a shovel, too.
Giles: Hear, hear.
Buffy: Sorry, but I'm an old-fashioned gal. I was raised to believe that men dig up the corpses and the women have the babies.

Cordelia: Darn, I have cheerleader practice tonight. Boy, I wish I knew you were gonna be digging up dead people sooner, I would've canceled.
Xander: All right, but if you come across the army of zombies, can you page us before they eat your flesh?
[Cordelia leaves the library]
Giles: Xander...
Xander: Huh?
Giles: Zombies don't eat the flesh of the living.
Xander: Yeah, I knew that. But did you see the look on her face?

Willow: I mean, why else would she be acting like such a b-i-t-c-h?
Giles: Willow, I think we're a little too old to be spelling things out.
Xander: A "bitca"?

Xander: You were looking at my neck.
Angel: What?
Xander: You were checking out my neck. I saw that.
Angel: No, I wasn't.
Xander: Just keep your distance, pal.
Angel: I wasn't looking at your neck.
Xander: I told you to eat before we left.

Buffy: So, no one noticed her and now she’s invisible.
Xander: What...she turned invisible because no one noticed her?
[Giles slams the table]
Giles: Of course! I’ve been investigating the mystical causes of invisibility when I should’ve looked at the quantum-mechanical.
[They stare at him confused]
Giles: Physics...
Buffy: I think I speak for everyone here when I say, “Huh?”

Cordelia: Somebody is after me! They just tried to kill Mrs. Miller. She was helping me with my homework. And Mitch, and Harmony. This is all about me. Me, me, me!
Xander: Wow! For once she's right.
Buffy: So, you've come to me for help?
Cordelia: Because you're always around when all this weird stuff is happening. And I know you're very strong, and you've got all those weapons... I was kinda hoping you were in a gang. Please, I don’t have anyone else to turn to.

Buffy: Check it out.
Willow: Oh my God!
[They stare at Marcie’s yearbook]
Willow: “Have a nice summer”, “Have a nice summer”. This girl had no friends at all.
Giles: Once again I teeter at the precipice of the generation gap.
Buffy: “Have a nice summer” is what you write when you have nothing to say.
Xander: It's the kiss of death.

Willow: Personal question.
Xander: Yeah, shoot.
Willow: When Buffy was a vampire, you weren't still, like, attracted to her, were you?
Xander: Willow, how can you....I mean, that's really bent. She was... grotesque.
Willow: Still dug her, huh?
Xander: I'm sick, I need help.
Willow: Don't I know it.

Buffy: I thought I was dead.
Willow: Buffy, your face...
[She touches her face]
Buffy: Oh, God.
Xander: Buffy...
Buffy: Don't look at me!
Giles: You never told me you dreamt of becoming a vampire.
Buffy: This isn't a dream.
Giles: No, it's not. But there is a chance that we can make it go away. This is all comes from Billy. If we can only wake him up, I believe that the nightmares will stop and reality will shift back into place. But we must do it now! I need you hold together long enough to help us. Can you do that?
Giles: If we can wake him, I believe the nightmares will stop. Reality will shift back to the way it was. But we must do it now. Can you hold together long enough to help us?
Buffy: Yeah, I think I can.
Giles: Thank you.
Buffy: But we better hurry, because I'm getting hungry.

Xander: Ah, the hellmouth, the center of mystical convergence. Supernatural monsters. Been there.
Buffy: Little blasé there, aren't you?
Xander: I'm not worried. If there's something bad out there, we'll find, you'll slay, we'll party.
[She laughs and they enter the library]
Buffy: Thanks for having confidence in me.
Xander: You da man, Buff.

Nicholas Brendon Quotes

Buffy: Well, I gotta look on the bright side. Maybe I can still get kicked out of school?
[Xander, Buffy and Willow walk away]
Xander: Oh, yeah, that’s a plan. Because lots of schools are not hellmouths.
Willow: Maybe you can blow something up? They’re really strict about that.
Buffy: I was thinking of a more subtle approach. You know, like excessive not studying.
[Giles touches his glasses]
Giles: The earth is doomed.

Xander: Okay, this is where I have a problem. See, because we’re having a talk about vampires. We’re having a talk...with vampires in it.
Willow: Isn’t that what we saw last night?
Buffy: No. No, those weren’t vampires. Those were just guys in a serious need of a facial. Or maybe they had rabies? It could’ve been rabies! And that guy turning into dust... just trick of light.
[Xander gives her a look]
Buffy: That’s exactly what I said the first time I saw a vampire. Well, after I was done with the screaming part.
Willow: Oh, I need to sit down.
Buffy: You are sitting down.
Willow: Oh...good for me.