Alice, I really fucking miss you.


If you were in charge, how would the Foo Fighters fix Fillory?


Mayakovsky: Do you even like magic?
Penny: Yeah. Like I like money or food or any other useful shit.

Margo: Eliot. We said we'd do whatever actually works.
Eliot: Fine. I'll tell the council in the morning. But I'll do it. The man's life is my burden to bear.
Margo: Get over yourself, Ned Stark.

Kady: I remember the night before. And it felt lonely.
Julia: Yeah.
Kady: But you're not alone. I'm your best bitch, remember?

I should have known better. I knew the difference between magic and miracles. One is real and one is a lie with sparkles.


Penny: [takes small sip of alcohol]
Mayakovsky: That's it? Take your balls out of your purse and drink!

Emily: Were you masturbating in your office?
Quentin: NO!
Emily: Whatever. I do.
Quentin: What is this place?

Margo: That sloth is psychotic.
Eliot: It's all psychotic. Did you hear how he said commoner?
Margo: When we're the least snobby people in a room, there's something wrong with the room.

My own people are trying to kill me? It's so French.


I am happy. Yay. A baby.


New plan. I give up on Fillory and dedicate myself completely to destroying Todd.


The Magicians Season 2 Quotes

I think I like her. I hope I like her.


Eliot: I vote that we don't touch it on the grounds that exploding Fillory wouldn't help.
Quentin: Okay. We need a new plan.
Margo: What plan? The Beast is gone. Our squad is a joke. What plan, exactly?
Eliot: We'll figure it out. We always do.
Margo: When it's a test to cheat on. Not when we're stuck in some epic fantasy that likes to behead heroes halfway through season one. If we even are heroes. We might be comic relief.