Margo: A bank heist? Wow.
Eliot: I think the time we've invested in him may actually pay off.

Professor Lipson: Have you seen the Twilight movies? [continues examining Julia's stomach]. Specifically the last one?
Julia: No.
Professor Lipson: That's probably for the best.

Margo: Penny, if you ever told anyone you saw this--
Penny: Ooh, no, no, no, I'd never. I'd much rather have you owe me huge.

You're kind of freaking me out. I mean I love you, but you're very ghost-like right now.


Holy shit. The walking plot twist returns.


Prince Ess: And to seal the alliance, I, Crown Prince of Loria, offer my hand in marriage to the virgin Queen Margo.
Eliot: [laughing] Um, okay.
Margo: Did he just call me a virgin?

Fen: Eliot, please understand. I had a life before you came. I had no idea if you even would come. Fillory is my home and I care about it.
Eliot: So you became a terrorist?

The High King and I hereby declare war on the Kingdom of Loria.


What do you want me to say? That I never understood her? That I never really tried? I didn't know having a daughter would be this hard. I resented her sometimes.


Quentin: Is everybody out here really so lifeless?
Emily: Yes, we are. We are. That's why we drink.
Quentin: Well I drank just fine as a magician.
Emily: Yeah because your world was so overwhelming and scary and you needed a break from it all. Now you're going to drink because each day is so goddamn dull and that takes a lot more booze.

Council member: The queen may voice her opinion, but ultimate judgement belongs to the king.
Margo: So this is what the patriarchy smells like? It's not the freshest.

If the Foo Fighters make another move, I'll kill you myself.


The Magicians Season 2 Quotes

I think I like her. I hope I like her.


Eliot: I vote that we don't touch it on the grounds that exploding Fillory wouldn't help.
Quentin: Okay. We need a new plan.
Margo: What plan? The Beast is gone. Our squad is a joke. What plan, exactly?
Eliot: We'll figure it out. We always do.
Margo: When it's a test to cheat on. Not when we're stuck in some epic fantasy that likes to behead heroes halfway through season one. If we even are heroes. We might be comic relief.