Pat: One time, I saw a bag of bones wearing a bikini.
Mike: I'm so sorry, that must have been awful.
Pat: Well, I ain't gonna lie to you, sight of a bikini still does it for me. Skin or no.
Mike: Yeah, I'm more of a skin guy, myself.
Pat: Different strokes.

Mike: I was always a chocolate banana man, myself.
Pat: Wow, Sigmund Freud, he'd have a field day with you, boy.
Mike: I bet he would.
Pat: 'Cuz, the banana is the rough shape of the male anatomy.
Mike: No, yeah, I got all that. Yeah. Made that connection.
Pat: And chocolate on it? On a banana?
Mike: No, I got that one, too. No, it was -- The joke was good as it was, man. Didn't need all that.

Ohhh, there's a very good chance he's going to kill and eat me.

Mike [to himself]

You know, sometimes I'll anchor offshore at night. Big cities -- Miami, New York, New Orleans. Not one light. Pitch black. Pitch black.


So, Pat, you always been a seamen? By that I mean a sailor, not, you know, sperm.


You know what else has a permanent hole in it? Your head! Get it together. You can't give up. You just came from outer space, you freakin' fart-face. Now wake up!

Young Phil

I miss you, Mike. You're such a good little sister.

Young Phil

This is the straw that broke the camel's back. The camel is dead and I ate it! Just like the bacon! Which is another thing I did.


Don't worry, Gordon, I'm not gonna come anywhere near those balls.


Melissa, you're finally opening up and I'm so proud of you. But I'm gonna need you to shut it right back down, lady. Phil needs us! So just box that up, we'll go save his life, and then we'll come back and dig into those delicious feelings. It's what I like to call an emotional doggy bag and they taste even better the next day.


Gail: Stop it, Tandy, I'm not a doctor.
Tandy: And the Wright brothers weren't pilots until they got into that plane, y'know? [chanting] Gail! Gail! Gail!

I'm not a friggin' doctor! I am just a chef from a three star restaurant in Wilmington, North Carolina, so shut your friggin' cakeholes!


The Last Man on Earth Season 2 Quotes

Carol: We should go back and get that bomb...
Phil: Carol... I knew you were gonna say that. I don't know how to put a bomb back in that little thingy!
Carol: We're Americans, we put a man on the moon!
Phil: Fine, if you wanna go back and get the bomb, we'll go back and get the bomb.
Carol: That won't be necessary, Phil, it's fine. Just the fact that you offered is good enough for me.

(to herself) Hm. Nice. Could use a little razzmatazz, though. Bam. "Oooh, Carol, where did you get such an expensive T-shirt? In the jewel markets of Monaco?"
