Mom: What that man lacks in personality, he makes up for in reliability. I think he’s great.
Lisa: Yeah, I know he’s great.
Mom: But you don’t owe anyone anything in this life, Lis. If you’re questioning things, if you’re having doubts, if that’s what this is, then it’s okay. It doesn’t make you a bad person.

Why don’t you give Danny a call? You usually do.


Danny: I am a one-man roller coaster of happiness.
Lisa: Okay, one-man roller coaster of happiness. For one night only then, why don’t you try and enjoy yourself?
Danny: I hate trying to enjoy myself. It hurts my tummy.

It’s a first date. I’ll tell her when things get more serious, like when we’re in a care home together.


Lisa: Oh, yeah, what’s she do again?
Danny: Personal Trainer.
Lisa: Personal Trainer. Oh, I went out with one of them. You know, he used to stop foreplay to put his fitness watch on. It was a bit of a mood killer, if I’m honest.

Lisa: I could easily live without knees. Especially my knees. I hate them.
Danny: There’s nothing wrong with your knees.
Lisa: What do you mean? They’re massive. When I wear leggings, it looks like I’m smuggling a couple of cauliflowers.

Danny: Are you going to be okay?
Lisa: Yeah, of course. You know me.
Danny: Yeah, I do. That’s why I asked.

Danny: Wouldn’t Veggie mind you spending the night with me?
Lisa: I doubt it. He thinks of you as one of the girls. You know, basically a lady.
Danny: Does he? That’s nice to know.

Still Up Quotes

Lisa: I saw this ad for some new pills called Snoozers. Extra strength for proper insomniacs. I should see if I can get some while I’m here.
Danny: No, don’t. They don’t knock you out. They just make everything taste like cabbage.

Lisa: So, is that your plan for the next month? Every time he’s outside, you’re just going to crawl around in the dark?
Danny: Yeah, I’m committed now. And, you know, on the bright side, think of all the money I’ll save on lightbulbs.