Toby: Walt, are you okay?
Walter: I kissed Paige on the rocket.
Happy: You should've kissed her on the mouth.
Walter: That's not funny! You guys keep playing it off like nothing happened out there, but I'm not imaging things. Paige, what do you know about this?
Paige: Um. Kissing you in space. I know that didn't happen.
Walter: Then what am I remembering?
Toby: Maybe you had a sexy dream.
Ralph: Gross.
Toby: Now it's very normal for adults. Happy has them about me all the time.
Happy: Gross.

I'm not sure I'm comfortable with my team repairing a sensitive reactor in a place that looks like an attraction from an abandoned amusement park.


Walter: I recall the strangest things about my time in space.
Happy: You can't recall things that never happened.

What happened to me when I was up in that rocket?


Toby: It's taking him back to when he thought he was star hopping with Paige.
Happy: He said a lot of things to Paige up there. It's best these memories stay buried.

Happy: I don't want to junk up my apartment.
Toby: It's no longer your apartment. It is our home. We have the extra bedroom.
Happy: My motorcycle room? I'm not losing my bikes to your yard sale.

Cabe: The Alderman's seat is yours, if you want it.
Sly: Yeah, I'm not going to take it.
Cabe: Why the hell not?
Sly: Because you want me to, and I don't listen to stupid people.
Cabe: Excuse me?!
Happy: You might want to say that kind of stuff from a distance, Sly.
Sly: No, I'm saying it to his face. Cabe, you are stupid. Allie is great. You like her, and she likes you, but you won't be with her just to try to protect me, and what she did doesn't even bother me anymore. That's stupid.
Cabe: So you'd give up being Alderman just to teach me a lesson?
Sly: I'm offering you a trade - I'll take the oath of office if you take Allie to dinner.
Cabe: You've turned into a hell of a negotiator.

Paige: You just brokered a peace treaty like a real statesman.
Sly: I almost threw up twice.
Paige: Let's keep that between us.

I am a germaphobe. I would not put my hand in something if it was contaminated.


Sly: Oh! I dropped my contact!
Toby: Sylvester, you wear glasses.
Sly: One - I'm not a good liar. Two - the last thing the world needs is more germs.

This is crazier than our normal crazy.


Toby: Why does Super Fun Guy have a helicopter? He can fly.
Sly: It's for when he gets tired.

Scorpion Season 3 Quotes

Then try this, you can't spell hypothalamus without us.


Walter: I'm almost there. What do I say when I see her?
Toby: Poetry.

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