A public hospitals job is not to change people's lives; it's to save people's lives. We will not be paying for this surgery.


Kapoor: You have no right to talk about Ella's character.
Iggy: Except I do because she took $2000 from you.
Kapoor: I gave it to her.

Until further notice, I am the new medical director of New Amsterdam.


Georgia, Georgia. Max can't breathe. You need to help him breathe.


Helen: There's something else. Something you all need to know in order to treat him properly when he arrives.
Floyd: Sharpe what a going on?
Helen: Max has squamous cell carcinoma. Advanced stages. The trauma team is going to meet us here.
Iggy: Whoa, whoa, hold on a second.
Floyd: How long have you known about this?
Helen: Since his first day.
Dora: Since his first day?
Helen: I know this is shocking, but you have to put it aside so we can deal with this.

Max: Sharpe, I wanna start chemo. No clinical trials. No risks. [looks at Georgia] I don't want to risk losing you again. You are my priority which means --
Helen: No. No, you are not resigning.
Max: I have no choice.
Floyd: You will if we help you. If you're willing to delegate, we'll all have your back.
Kapoor: Like you've had ours.
Iggy: Yeah, count me in.
Dora: Me too.
Lauren: I don't mind putting in the extra time if it means keeping you around.
Max: Guys, you're not hearing me.
Fulton: I think they're hearing you just fine, Max. These are your people. This is your hospital, for better or worse, there is no going back, Max.
Max: Georgia, help me out.
Georgia: Max is about to face the most intense fight of his life and above everything he had to take care of himself, which is why he's not quitting. This job, this job is who you are. In some ways, it's who you have always been. I honestly believe that by staying here working, helping it will keep you alive.

That's my wife. What do you think? Not bad, right? I did OK. She would have loved you. Thing is I almost blew it with Georgia a few months ago. She saw right through me. She figured out that everything I do is because of you. I just keep trying to save you over and over. That's all I do, and I never, I never will. So now I have a wife and daughter on the way, and I'm always going to love you. Always. Always. But I need to start living for them too.


If the hospital won't pay, bill me.


Fulton: So you're willing to risk your job for one surgery?
Floyd: I'm willing to risk my job for one patient.

Today I get to help somebody find out who they are. I get to help someone find their voice.


Akash: Dr. Sharpe I have good news and good news. Dr. Goodwin is a candidate for therapy.
Helen: He will be relieved to hear it. What is the other good news?
Akash: I'm on my way to your office.
Helen: You are?
Akash: I have to pick up his cell samples and give you some paperwork.
Helen: I'm sure we can have someone pick it up.
Akash: That's too risky. See, this paperwork includes two tickets to see Lauryn Hill at BAM [SILENCE] Hey if I was off base here, I apologize --
Helen: I'm sorry I was just thinking about what to do with the other ticket.
Akash: Well, I might have a suggestion.

Listen to her. Listen. Luna, she did it.


New Amsterdam Season 1 Quotes

My sister Luna and I were born here in New Amsterdam, and eight years later, Luna died here. Hospital-acquired infection. Entirely preventable.


Max: Unlike the previous medical director, I actually expect you to practice medicine at this hospital because I don't know, that's your job.
Helen: You're funny.
Max: You said that.
Helen: I'll tell you what, I'll continue giving speeches all over the world because you can't afford the type of publicity I give this hospital. And I'll continue my on-air appearances with Ellen, Oprah, and anyone else powerful enough to go by one name because someone has to remind New York that even though New Amsterdam is an underfunded public hospital, we can still go toe-to-toe with the privates from basic care to state of the art procedures. I will be back next week with lunch at the Tavern. My treat.