Sarah: You're a very good brother.
Max: Nobody has ever said that to me.

Iggy: OK. I saw what you wrote about me online. I was surprised. My husband read those tweets, my coworkers, my friends, and if you Google me right now, that is the first thing that pops up. Shay, I'm not here to shame you or yell at you, but I would like you to look at me. Please. Do you really think that I'm anti-trans?
Shay: I knew it would make people upset when I posted it, but I did it anyway.

Sarah: I have to tell you, Luna's heart never had the best taste in guys. But it skipped a beat when she met Andy. It's like she picked him out just for me. Me and Luna learned what it felt like to be in love. I have a job where I help people. I've been all over the world. I ran a marathon even though people told me not to. Last year, I won a watermelon eating contest, which is a real thing, and I love them. That's why it's OK. It's time for me to go. Your sister, she gave me a beautiful life.
Max: It's the other way around.

Sarah: I picked a bad time to start failing tests.
Max: I'm not giving up on you.
Sarah: You need to know that it's OK.
Max: What's OK?
Sarah: That I'm going to die.

Lauren: So once or twice I screw up some red tape.
Casey: It happens all the time, and its been getting worse.
Lauren: No, that can't be right.
Casey: Dr. Bloom, I think you may need help.
Lauren: I'm just tired, OK? Just an RX who needs some sleep.
Casey: Mr. Powell could have died.

Floyd: The stress from Sarah's hemophilia has ravaged her heart.
Max: So unravage it. I gave you a whole cardiothoracic department. Use it. Because we sure as hell aren't going to sit here and --
Helen: Max.
Max: What?
Helen: Luna's heart is dying. It's gone.
Max: it's my sister's heart. We have to save it.
Floyd: No. We have to save Sarah and the only thing that's going to do that is a new heart because the old one is out of time.

Evie: Let me bail you out here. I know Floyd had a life before me. I'm glad he did. I just need to know if you two are over.
Lauren: Oh, we're over. We're the very definition of over.
Evie: I like Floyd, but I've made bad bets before, so if you really are a card-carrying member of the sisterhood of sisters, you won't let me do it again because I do not have time to worry about if you and Floyd are done.
Lauren: Done. It is not something you have to worry about, OK?
Evie: Then I won't.

Luna's heart is beating right over there, and it's like she gets a second chance. Thirty years ago, the doctors said Luna's heart stopped. Not this time.


Helen; Her file says she received her heart from a Luna Goodwin. Your sister.

Georgia: Enough. Is this what you really want?
Max: She's right. Chemotherapy and radiation, they work. They do the job, but they'll break me no matter how strong I am. I'll lose my hearing, my sight. I'll lose my mind. They don't always come back. I have so many things that I need to do.
Georgia: So let's get in the trial.
Helen: So let's get in the trial.

Max: Oh, would you cancel that chemo tomorrow? I want to try precision targeted therapy.
Helen: Clinical trials?
Max: Chemo is going to take the life out of me, and I want to keep running this hospital. I want to be there for Georgia and the baby.
Helen: Max, we had a plan.
Max: I don't want to be a patient. I just want to be myself.
Helen: It's too big a risk.
Max: It's a risk I have to take.

Amy: I'm sorry. I need help.
Mrs. Chang: We all need help.

New Amsterdam Season 1 Quotes

Max: You were bloody magnificent last night. I just said bloody.
Helen: I can think of a better word under the circumstances.

I don't belong anywhere.
