If you want, Tony. If it will make you happy. I'll let you go.


You told me that to help Tony you would be willing to risk losing some of him. This is how you do that.


You're trying to fix him. We're all trying to fix him, in a deep profound level, Tony knows that and it's making him feel worse.


You're suggesting that I send my son away from me to a farm?


I'm a good surgeon period. That's your story.


I remember I rolled the windows down so I could feel the cool breeze, and then, flashing red lights.


Andy better not have any pets!


Andy: All of this is mine?
Max: Welcome home, Andy.

Floyd: I just want my nephew to know that you can be exemplary without a catch.
Evie: As your legal representative I can make this go away, but as your girlfriend, I think you should on your story. Not in spite of your nephew but because of your nephew. You should own your story. All of it.

This is socialism. This is exactly what is wrong with our entire healthcare system.


I'm prescribing you a home.


Ella: He paid for my dog's surgery.
Rohan: He did?
Ella: Yeah, he gave me $2000 for my dog's surgery. I didn't even have to ask.

New Amsterdam Season 1 Quotes

My sister Luna and I were born here in New Amsterdam, and eight years later, Luna died here. Hospital-acquired infection. Entirely preventable.


Max: Unlike the previous medical director, I actually expect you to practice medicine at this hospital because I don't know, that's your job.
Helen: You're funny.
Max: You said that.
Helen: I'll tell you what, I'll continue giving speeches all over the world because you can't afford the type of publicity I give this hospital. And I'll continue my on-air appearances with Ellen, Oprah, and anyone else powerful enough to go by one name because someone has to remind New York that even though New Amsterdam is an underfunded public hospital, we can still go toe-to-toe with the privates from basic care to state of the art procedures. I will be back next week with lunch at the Tavern. My treat.