Max: How's the VIP?
Lauren: I'm not feeling very important.
Max: Well you are to me, to everyone. It's going to be very hard but when you make it, your job is going to be here waiting for you.

Lauren: I need help.
Iggy: OK. I can do that. OK?
Lauren: Are you really clearing me to go back to work?
Iggy: And let a drug addict loose in the ED? God no, are you kidding me?

Lauren: Ask me again.
Iggy: What are you running from?
Lauren: I told my mom that I was going to NYU that I would here in town close by. Dad had died the year before and things had gotten ... I didn't even tell her that I applied to Whittman. I didn't tell Vanessa, my sister, and I knew. I knew that they wouldn't be OK without me. I mean, I protected Vanessa. She thought I was a rockstar, but she's 12, I mean I couldn't, I couldn't take her with me. I wanted to, but I knew that if I didn't go that I was never going to get out. One night I tucked her up in bed, then I left. I um, I left my little sister. She's uh, she's in rehab, now, again, fourth time.
Iggy: That is not on you.
Lauren: I could have saved her. I could have saved my mom.
Iggy: That is not your fault.
Lauren: Then whose was it? I just left.

Helen: Lauren, I didn't know what else to do.
Lauren: No problem. I was cleared.

Yeah, my childhood sucked, but it made me who I am, and this hospital is lucky to have me.


Earlier you assumed that it was one single doctor that voiced concern. That's not the case. Multiple people have complained that you are having problems.


Lauren: If I leave, I'm suspended?
Iggy: No. If you leave, you're fired.

Iggy: Somebody reported that you have a problem with Adderall.
Lauren: Sharpe?
Iggy: I'm not at liberty to say.

Lauren: So, who's the patient?
Max: You are.

Just because your job is obsolete doesn't mean that you are.


Helen: Max.
Max: What's wrong.
Helen: I've, um. I've been round and round in my head but I can't see that there's any other way.
Max: Helen.
Helen: This is very difficult. I think that I need to report an impaired physician.
Max: I've already taken-
Helen: Max, I'm talking about Bloom.

It's your experience that's irreplaceable, not your hands.


New Amsterdam Season 1 Quotes

Max: You were bloody magnificent last night. I just said bloody.
Helen: I can think of a better word under the circumstances.

I don't belong anywhere.
