Shaw: I read his website every morning. One of the only unbiased news sources around.
Cosgrove: Man was a legend. Now he's a headline.

Cop: i'm up for detective. You filing a complaint won't help. So I'm asking you to look past my emotional and unfortunate reaction to the situation. Now, we were looking for a killer. Tensions were high...
Shaw: And along came a big, strapping brother, so you figured he'd do.
Cop: That's not what I -
Shaw: You had your guns pointed at me! You wouldn't even give me a chance to show you my badge!
Cop: We thought we were staring down the subject of a murder investigation.
Shaw: No, no, no. You knew you were looking at a Black man, and you assumed you were looking at the subject of a murder investigation. For all you knew, you were looking for a five foot white woman.
Cop: It's always about race.
Shaw: It always is with you isn't it?
Cop: Do what you gotta do, Detective, but if I were you I'd think hard about my next move.
Shaw: You threatening me?
Cop: I'm just saying, this is a brotherhood, a brotherhood based on the Code Blue.

Cosgrove: Ugh. Smells like he took a bath in Merlot.
Cop: That bottle over there was probably the murder weapon.

Cop: We thought he was a murder suspect.
Shaw: Why? Why the hell did you think that?

It's like a dangerous, deluded version of Telephone.


Matthews: Look, nothing really happened. No one got hurt. So why make a big deal out of this? This sort of thing makes us look bad.
Shaw: Us?
Matthews: Police officers.

Shaw: Doctor?
Cosgrove: What's that Bible saying? He saved others but he couldn't save himself?

Dixon: The department has made so many changes, but when it comes to this, we're still stuck in 1974. It doesn't matter if you're right -- and I KNOW you are. This will destroy your career.
Shaw: I get it. We're supposed to protect each other, right? All those rah rah speeches about how we're brothers in blue, those were written by white guys. So you can tell that union rep that they're messing with the wrong guy. I'm not gonna be scared.

I'm just saying, cops have long memories. But I'm white. These things don't happen to me. I'm saying, if you want to press charges and roll these guys up, I got your back.


Nolan: There's nothing you could have done to stop that young woman's death. Three minutes or six minutes, it wouldn't have made a difference.
Riley: I know that. It's not that -
Nolan: It's not that simple, is that what you were going to say? You know there is no law that requires police officers to be heroic.

Bishop: Like I said for the hundredth time, I ain't got nothing to do with that shooting. Hannah and I were tight. We weren't together at the time, but we were close.
Shaw: Really. That's what you call this? Cause we got ahold of this letter that you wrote Hannah two days before she was gunned down. There's a lot of really great stuff in here. Here's my favorite partl [Reading] "I can't describe the rage I feel. I hope it goes away but I don't think it will, not as long as you are alive."
Bishop: So? I was in love with her.
Shaw: Maybe so, but Bishop, this was not a love letter.

Cosgrove: Why does a rapper have his own sneaker line? He's not athletic, standing there on stage, swearing, wearing lots of gold...
Shaw: You know, I think that's the whitest thing you've ever said. It's actually kind of cute.

Law & Order Quotes

Bernard: We'd like to see the surveillance footage from last night, if that's possible.
Mrs. King: I'm afraid I haven't used them in years.
Donovan: Your husband is the most hated man in America and you don't even turn on the alarm?
Mrs. King: I'm from North Carolina. We don't even lock our front doors.

Every victim deserves our respect, even the ones that raped 40 women.
