Shaw: Did Rachel mention any problems with anyone?
Mrs. Bender: Like what?
Shaw: Like with a client?
Mrs. Bender: Her clients were all problems. They were criminals.

As someone who is so concerned with the appearance of impropriety, you of all people should know that I cannot deny the defense the opportunity to impeach your testimony.


Shaw: How did you know her?
Price: We worked side by side in the public defender's office for three and a half years.
Cosgrove: There's a long list of people who would want someone like that dead.
Price: Someone like that?
Cosgrove: That came out wrong. Boy, did I put my foot in my mouth.

Cosgrove: Did you have any further interactions?
Adam: What is this?
Cosgrove: Someone killed her.
Adam: Is this the part where I'm supposed to say karma's a bitch?

My ex-husband is a powerful man. I'm not comfortable saying anything else about him.

Judge's Ex

Price: I am the best.
McCoy: What you are is compromised. If I had known you found the body and you had a romantic relationship with the victim, I wouldn't let you within a timezone of this case.

Maroun: Think it might have dawned on you to inform your co-counsel that you had a romantic relationship with the victim?
Price: It was over a decade ago and it was irrelevant.
Maroun: You went after Benning for his bias. You're just as compromised as he is!

Outrage won't convince the jury of anything. Evidence will.


I'm not a snitch... for free.


Price: Nobody in their right mind would cross two lakes and two boroughs to go jogging at six in the morning. Yet I saw the looks on the jury's faces. They bought it.
McCoy: No one wants to condemn a man to prison for life. Any doubt, reasonable or not, gives them a reason to acquit.

Lucas: You think you can stop us but you can't. This is a movement. Revelation is coming.
Cosgrove: I think you mean incarceration.

Say what you want about sticks and stones, but words today can definitely get you killed.


Law & Order Quotes

Bernard: We'd like to see the surveillance footage from last night, if that's possible.
Mrs. King: I'm afraid I haven't used them in years.
Donovan: Your husband is the most hated man in America and you don't even turn on the alarm?
Mrs. King: I'm from North Carolina. We don't even lock our front doors.

Every victim deserves our respect, even the ones that raped 40 women.
