Price: 12 years/
Maroun: If we gave a free pass to everyone who had been victimized, we'd have to open the prison gates.

So this whole thing is about pleasing a sociopathic narcissist?


Samantha: If Sienna doesn't cooperate, she will be charged with several felonies.
Sienna's father: She's the victim here! She was brainwashed and branded.
Samantha: It doesn't mean she's not responsible.

I believe Ava went to her grave in order to protect my secret.


Jocelyn Davis just waltzes out of the courtroom. She's probably out buying a new branding iron as we speak.


Ava's mother: What the hell happened in there?
Samantha: It's only the arraignment.
Ava's father: I thought they would hold her.
Samantha: Bail is only to ensure the defendant returns.
Ava's mother: I don't need a lecture from you. I know how the system works. The woman who killed my daughter, rolled her body up in a carpet, and threw her in a dumpster gets to go home to her comfortable loft while our daughter lies in her coffin in Woodland Cemetery.

Lawyer: This is ridiculous. There is no casual connection between my client's actions and the death of Ava Newhall. We're going.
Cosgrove: May I?
Samantha: Charge her.

Lawyer: Ava consented to the branding.
Samantha: We both know that there is no consent when it comes to bodily injury.

Let me get this straight. Ava died of an infection that was spreading for weeks. She was rolled up in a rug and tossed in a dumpster. Yet no one here saw anything.


Man: Look, this isn't what it looks like.
Cosgrove: Oh yeah. You were just going to drive her around and go out for cocktails.
Man: Ava's parents hired me. I was supposed to bring her home.
Cosgrove: You expect us to believe that Ava's parents wanted you to kidnap her and bring her home?
Man: I wasn't kidnapping her. I was saving her.

Cosgrove: What is that? Lone Star? Textas?
Shaw: No, no, no. Lodestar. Means inspiration, guiding light.
Cosgrove: What the hell guided her here?

Outrage won't convince the jury of anything. Evidence will.


Law & Order Quotes

Bernard: We'd like to see the surveillance footage from last night, if that's possible.
Mrs. King: I'm afraid I haven't used them in years.
Donovan: Your husband is the most hated man in America and you don't even turn on the alarm?
Mrs. King: I'm from North Carolina. We don't even lock our front doors.

Every victim deserves our respect, even the ones that raped 40 women.
