You know, Liv, I love you. And I respect you more than anyone I've ever met in my life. So don't take this the wrong way, but I think sometimes you see victims where there aren't any.


Rollins: In order for it to be a justifiable homicide, there had to be an imminent threat. Was he going to beat Annabeth that night? Was he going to rape her? NO! You know how I know that? Because that's what she told you!
Carisi: I know more about the law than anyone else in this room, but I'm telling you, it's not that simple. I once got a domestic disturbance call.Neighbors complained that they were always screaming at each other. I told her she had to leave the guy but there was no sign of physical violence so that was all I could do. A month later, I get another call to the same residence. Only this time, he's bashed her head in. So don't talk to me about how she had a choice!
Bailiff: Detective Carisi?
Carisi: Yeah. That's me.

Benson: A law without empathy doesn't help anyone, Rollins.
Rollins: I have plenty of empathy. I've been drowning in it for 8 years.
Benson: He had a gun on the table.
Rollins: Yeah? Did he point it at her? Did he threaten her in any way? Look, this isn't freshman English. We don't have to read between the lines.

Carisi: Are you telling me you don't care what happens up there? You know, I could lie. I could say yes, she told me she planned to kill Thomas for the last six months. If I do that, she's done. Or I could say I don't recall.
Rollins: Or, door number 3. You could tell the truth.
Carisi: All I'm saying, is it's a hell of a lot of power, and who the hell are we?

Rollins: Don't go all Liv on us. Annabeth shot her husband because he didn't like his dinner.
Fin: Life should be that easy.

This is a very simple case. Annabeth Pearl is guilty of murder in the second degree.


And that's all you want to tell me? [Gets no answers] Okay. Then we are done here.


Al: I thought you'd take a nice long maternity leave. Or quit your job.
Rollins: Quit my job? But I love my job!
Al: I know, but I want to take care of you.
Rollins: I know you do, Al, but I can't marry you.
Al: Why not?
Rollins: Because I don't love you.

Benson: Shakespeare? That's pretty grown up.
Laura: I'm grown up.
Benson: Good, cause I have a grown-up question for you. You and Greg...
Laura: I love him like a brother.
Benson: Is that what Greg told you to say? You were reading Romeo and Juliet.
Laura: He helps me with my English homework.
Benson: I saw the inscription. To Juliet from Romeo.
Laura: You think I'm too young to be in love?
Benson: No, you're not... with someone your own age.
Laura: My mom killed herself! I'm not like other girls, playing with baby dolls. I'm a real woman.
Benson: Is that what Greg told you? Because he told us you just had a schoolgirl crush.
Laura: No he didn't! He wouldn't!
Benson: We know that it wasn't your father that had sex with you. It was Greg.
Laura: I won't betray him!
Benson: But he betrayed you.
Laura: No he didn't.
Benson: Yes, he did. He told us he was in love with Susan.

Lawyer: Yes, that's him.
Fin: Didn't you think this guy looked a little young to be a 50-something father of two teenage girls?
Lawyer: He had ID and he had the girls' school IDs... why would he lie about something like that?

Fin: Well, Rollins isn't having the baby any time soon.
Benson: So she's not in labor?
Fin: Not yet. They're keeping her at the hospital for now. Carisi is there and so is Dr. Al.
Benson: Great. What could go wrong?

Rollins: Don't leave me, okay?
Carisi: I'm not going anywhere.

Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Quotes

Man: I know that I hurt you. And that business with the escorts --
Rollins: Hookers.
Man: Right. Well, on that I can assure you that I've changed.

Carisi: Don't make me shoot.
Suspect: Fine! I raped that bitch, okay?