Baker: What the hell happened?
Fin: That's what we'd like to know. Someone tipped off Ramirez. Where you been?
Baker: Getting a warrant!
Fin: Why didn't you answer your cell?
Baker: You don't think I had something to do with this! Fin!
Fin: I think we need to talk. Right now.

Baker: They're all good cops.
Fin: Except one of them wasn't.

I don't know much about physics, but I do know the same gun can't be in two places at once.


Carisi: We're clear.
Fin: They knew we were coming.

Carisi: Hey, super unlocked the back door.
Fin: Let's go ruin their night.

Carisi: So we actually believe this guy?
Fin: That this guy's a bored husband who bought a hooker? Yeah.

Rollins: I can't help wondering, are we wasting our time here? She was a junkie, she relapsed. Maybe she got high and just jumped.
Benson: Either way, she was brutalized, and the brother just up and left in the middle of the night.

Shoe maker: My customers pay thousands of dollars because they expect privacy.
Fin: I've never heard of cobbler-customer confidentiality.

Well, you tracked me down the one day a month I'm in drug court. This must be important.


Rollins: At least we know what our vic was running from.
Cop: What do you mean?
Benson: First time at a brothel, fellas?

You have no idea what terror is, what complete and utter terror is. You know, they say that your heart beats faster, but it doesn't. It stops. Everything stops. You try not to breathe because it might upset him, and you get a cramp in your foot and you live with it because you can live through THAT pain, it's better than what he might do to you.


Rollins: I remember looking out the window and praying my dad would come home. He'd just beat the snot out of my mom and I still wanted him to come home!
Benson: Of course you did, because all children want their parents together.
Rollins: She could have called the sheriff, you know. We had a gun locker in the home. But no, she had to be the martyr. She wasn't happy unless she was.
Benson: Because he made her that way!
Rollins: No, he didn't. She had this weakness in her that started a long time before she even met him.
Benson: How do you know?
Rollins: I know because I know this [grabs something from table] is not this [grabs water bottle]. I don't know how I know, but I know, because I was the one who stared out that window praying that my dad would come home. I was petrified that if he didn't, I'd grow up to be weak like my mom!
Benson: Amanda. That's no reason to hate your mom. Maybe it's time for you to come out from the shadows.

Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Quotes

Man: I know that I hurt you. And that business with the escorts --
Rollins: Hookers.
Man: Right. Well, on that I can assure you that I've changed.

Carisi: Don't make me shoot.
Suspect: Fine! I raped that bitch, okay?