Gary: Good luck making that stick.
Benson: You don't know me very well, but I don't give up very easily, especially when someone hurts someone I care about.

Cassidy: I'm not one of your survivors. I'm a cop.
Benson: I know that. But -
Cassidy: Your pep talks and your support groups don't work on me. The best thing for us would have been if you never saw that photo.
Benson: Okay, clearly I'm saying the wrong thing here but I care about you and I don't want you to keep running away from this.
Cassidy: I'm not hurting your case.
Benson: It isn't about the case. I'm scared, Brian. I'm scared if you don't deal with this one day I'm gonna get a call that it's you they found with a plastic bag over your head.

Cassidy: I'm damaged goods. I see it every time I look in the mirror.
Stone: I think you should talk to Liv.
Cassidy: No. She can't know. You have to promise me you won't tell her.
Stone: She can help you.
Cassidy: No! She's the only person who ever saw any good in me. I need that.

What, you thought the gay guy had to have been fiddled with?


Cassidy: You know, I read your rap sheet on the way up here.
Leo: Did you?
Cassidy: Yeah, and I'd bet $100 that's booze in that thermos.
Leo: You know, I always liked you, Brian, but I'm not above knocking your lights out.

I am gonna bury you, Dolan. You're a serial predator who's been molesting boys since your days in Youth League.


Stone: That's a Colt. Your service weapon's a Glock.
Cassidy: You don't want to be here.
Stone: You gonna shoot me too? Cause you're gonna have to go through me. Don't let him ruin your life.
Cassidy: He already did. He needs to die after what he did to that kid, after what he did to me.

Carisi: Isn't this Rollins; case?
Benson: Jessie had the flu.
Carisi: Great. Kid germs. Now we're all gonna get it.
Benson: It's called a flu shot, Carisi. Get one.

Fin: Gary?
Gary: That's me.
Carisi: You the owner?
Gary: I might as well be. I've worked here 15 years. What's this about? That shoplifting thing last month?
Fin: Not exactly. [shows Gary photo] You recognize this kid?
Gary: Can't say I do.
Carisi: His name's Micah Fuller.
Gary: Micah... no. Sorry. Excuse me.
[The cops follow him to a counter of Polaroids]
Carisi: What is this, customer appreciation photos?
Gary: Yep.
Fin: Mind if we look at your camera?
Gary: Oh, that thing broke a long time ago.; What'd you say that kid's name is? Michael?
Fin: Micah Fuller.
Gary: Micah... no, sorry. I wish I could be of more help.

Mrs. Fuller: These photos are all of Mikah.
Mr. Fuller: Who the hell took them?
Mrs. Fuller: Does this mean he was molested?
Mr. Fuller: Of course that's what it means.

Benson: So if this is a suicide, why are we here?
Cop: Because of these photos. [Shows Benson the photos]
Carisi: Micah was a pedophile?
Cop: Looks like it finally caught up with him.
Benson: He may be dead, but his victims aren't.

She was 16 when she OD'd. Dead in the ground, cold, alone.It didn't have to end that way.

Judge Colfax

Law & Order: SVU Season 20 Quotes

Man: I know that I hurt you. And that business with the escorts --
Rollins: Hookers.
Man: Right. Well, on that I can assure you that I've changed.

Carisi: Don't make me shoot.
Suspect: Fine! I raped that bitch, okay?