You're not breaking the law, Olivia. You're using it to save Jules' life.


Benson: You can't break the law, Alex.
Cabot: Why the hell not?
Benson: Because it makes you a criminal.
Cabot: You gonna arrest me?

Carisi: It's always the guys who look like they got it together. My sister Gina lived with this guy Johnny for years. Johnny used to make these pies, bring them over for Thanksgiving. We used to watch baseball games together. He was part of the family for so long.
Benson: He cheated on her?
Carisi: Three different women.

A guy like Hunter? A night in Rikers should make him talk. Arrest him for murder.


Carisi: DNA came back. Your wife's blood is all over that car and your fingerprints are on the steering wheel.
Nick: What does that mean? I own the damn car.

I've known Nick since college. I was actually the one who introduced them. He was the perfect guy. Most popular, most athletic, most likely to make the Forbes 100. But he has a dark side.


Rollins: I almost dyed my hair purple in college.
Carisi: What were you gonna do, audition to be the sixth Spice Girl?
Rollins: I would have made an excellent back-up vocalist.

Doctor: It's called tachycardia dyspensia. It's a side effect of long-term anti-psychotic use. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but sometimes increasing the dosage can help.
Peter: What about taking her off the medication altogether?
Doctor: We could do that, but your sister is severely psychotic. Last time she went off her meds, she attempted suicide.
Peter: Whatever you think is best.
Doctor: I can't make this decision for you. Your father gave you the power of attorney to make decisions like this.

Carisi: Did you recognize the voice?
Man: After 10 years of marriage, I think I know my wife's voice.
Carisi: No, I meant the male voice.

Preston: I am a transgender man. If you wanted to know that, you could have just asked. I would have told you.
Olson: So you used to be a woman?
Preston: No. I was always a man.

Preston: Once I'm outed to officials, there's no going back in. And with one stroke of a Tweet from Air Force One, I could lose my job, my career, everything I've worked so hard for.
Benson: I know things seem really unfair right now, but does it give you any comfort that that Tweet did not become law?
Preston: Today, maybe. But what about tomorrow? Do you know what's going to happen?

Stone: The law will never uphold any ban against transgender people serving in the military.
Benson: That's true, but there's a big difference between the law and real life.

Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Quotes

What the hell? Sun'll come up tomorrow and you'll give some of that goopy stuff you're pouring out of your heart to some other victim.


Noah: I don't wanna go!
Olivia: School is fun! You've got your teddy, you've got your lunchbox...
Noah: I wish Lucy was my Mommy! She wouldn't make me go!
Olivia: What'd you just say?
Noah: I said, I wish Lucy was my Mommy.
Olivia: Well, kiddo, looks like you're stuck with me.