Fin: His name is FourStroke. He's on parole for aggravated assault. But he's a lover as well as a fighter. He's got four babies from four different baby mamas.
Carisi: So what do we do?
Fin: Sit on all four houses and wait for Daddy to come home.

Malik: That thing at the bodega, we were just trying to get help.
Fin: Let's talk about before that. What happened?
Malik: Tiana got a good grade on her biology test so I wanted to celebrate. I got us some vodka.
Fin: Vodka? She's 16.
Malik: It's not like we do this all the time. She's smart, okay, and she's our ticket out of the hood so I wanted to do something special. So we went to the playground and these six guys pulled up. One of them had a gun in his waistband. He said I had to go and Tania had to stay.
Fin: And you just left?
Malik: He would have shot me. I didn't have a choice.
Fin: Sure you did. You take the bullet. You don't leave your little sister alone.

Rollins: She was pretty out of it. What was her tox screen?
Doctor: She had traces of alcohol and heroin in her system.
Rollins: A 16-year-old alone in the middle of the night in that kind of shape.
Doctor: You don't want to know how often we see that in here.

Cop: Hands where I can see them!
Man [raising hands in air]: I didn't do anything!
[Cops throw him on the hood of a car]
Man: My sister, you gotta help her.
Cop: Keep your hands on the hood!
Man: I was just coming from the bogeda and...
Cop: You been drinking?
Man: My sister's been raped!
Female cop: Raped?
Man: She's in the playground around the corner. I was trying to call 911. You gotta go get her.

The guys who raped you, I swear to God I'm gonna kill them.


You killed my children. For what?


Cop: Lieutenant, now that you're here, maybe you can explain why Detective Rollins here is antagonizing people in my precinct without as much as a heads up.
Benson: Let's not turn this into a turf war.

Rollins: Unless they had their heads in the sand, neighbors had to see something, right?
Fin: Taking this kind of personal, Amanda.
Rollins: If I don't, what am I doing here?

They look like some reality show.


Rollins: I want to apologize for going off on you earlier.
Benson: You and I both know how hard it is to walk away when your gut says something's wrong.
Rollins: Yeah, well, I overreacted, and I'm thinking I could use a mental health day or two.
Benson: Really, Amanda?
Rollins: Yeah.
Benson: You want to dig into Labott.

Benson: If she wants to leave, we can't stop her. She is a competent adult -
Rollins: She is not competent! She's brainwashed. He did something to her, Liv. He tied her up, he starved her -
Benson: I understand that, but under New York State law there is no crime we can charge him with. There is nothing we can do.

Rollins: Esther's on her way back here. I'd like another go at her.
Fin: The TLC approach isn't working. Maybe we should try some fire and brimstone this time.

Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Quotes

What the hell? Sun'll come up tomorrow and you'll give some of that goopy stuff you're pouring out of your heart to some other victim.


Noah: I don't wanna go!
Olivia: School is fun! You've got your teddy, you've got your lunchbox...
Noah: I wish Lucy was my Mommy! She wouldn't make me go!
Olivia: What'd you just say?
Noah: I said, I wish Lucy was my Mommy.
Olivia: Well, kiddo, looks like you're stuck with me.