Benson: In cases where there is suspected abuse, we can't just turn over a child to her parents.
Mr. Labott: Esther is not a child. She is 27 years old.

Rollins: Every time I try to talk to her, she just throws back those Bible verses she's been brainwashed with.
Benson: So we have to do the heavy lifting here. It would be nice if we knew who she was.

Rollins: I can tell she's smart from the way she throws those Bible verses at me, but the way she's been indoctrinated... it discourages analytical thinking.
Benson: Or something to turn to when she's lost or in pain.

Rollins: Is there a reason you don't want to go back home?
Esther: I'm scared. But the Lord says do not fear for I am with you.

I know you've got to be scared, Esther, but I'm really just trying to help you. You understand that, right?


Amanda: Who told you you would be punished if you rode the train?
Esther: Fathers do not provoke your children to anger, but discipline them in the training and instruction of the Lord.

Rollins: How long has it been since you've eaten?
[Girl jumps at candy]
Rollins: Uh uh uh. Not so fast. How about we make an exchange? Some candy if you give me your name.
Girl: It's Esther.

Benson: You know, I was on the subway platform today and I saw these two cockroaches pulling at a piece of bread. Finally the bread tore and fell onto the tracks, and neither bug got their dinner.
Cabot: Are you proposing we work together?
Benson: I could never do what you do.
Cabot: And I can't stop.

Doctor: You made the right decision.
Peter: And if I'd stopped the meds?
Doctor: That would have been the right decision too. Sometimes the only wrong decision is to do nothing at all.

Stone: Tomorrow you and I will get up, brush our teeth, comb our hair, and go get another bad guy.
Benson: It makes you want to oversleep.

Benson: This is America, Alex. You can't just lock people up.
Cabot: He made bail on the assault charges.
Benson: As is his right! Maybe you're too busy with your mission to keep up with the Eighth Amendment.

Cabot: You could have lied, Liv.
Benson: I couldn't. I took an oath.
Cabot: So what? The whole thing is fiction. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is something we tell people to make them think the criminal justice gives a damn about who did what to whom.

Law & Order: SVU Season 19 Quotes

What the hell? Sun'll come up tomorrow and you'll give some of that goopy stuff you're pouring out of your heart to some other victim.


Noah: I don't wanna go!
Olivia: School is fun! You've got your teddy, you've got your lunchbox...
Noah: I wish Lucy was my Mommy! She wouldn't make me go!
Olivia: What'd you just say?
Noah: I said, I wish Lucy was my Mommy.
Olivia: Well, kiddo, looks like you're stuck with me.