See. It's a real weiner.

Johnny [to Dutch]

Aneela [to Jaq]: OK, go away. I'm going to be sexual with your mother now.
Delle Seyah: Maybe we do need to get you back into a few human social customs.

Well, Zeph, [Fancy] may not know who he is but he's still an asshole.

Pree [to Zephyr]

As a former psychiatrist, I suggest you two work your shit out before your friend dies.

Reniker [to Dutch and Johnny]

You did your job, Jaq. You rescued me. Now let me do the same for you.

Aneela [to Jaq]

Warden: You asshole. You hijacked my ship.
Johnny: Yeah, but then Sparlow and Jeers hijacked our hijack so it's kind of a wash.

D'avin: What about Johnny?
Dutch: One crisis at a time.

D'avin: I hope this isn't about the prison talent show.
Johnny: Yeah, we are so not ready.

Get behind me. I'm hunting asshole.

Delle Sayeh [to Jaq]

Native: So you're the little shit that's been stealing our food.
Jaq: We're just hungry.

Jaq: Why don't you ever talk about her, my mother?
Delle Sayeh: Because scars bleed when you pick at them.

Dutch: We're doing this for Westerley. It's our home and it's in trouble.
Sparlow: Westerly is always in trouble.

Killjoys Season 5 Quotes

It's your weekend.

D'avin [to Delle Sayeh]

Computer: Did you enjoy Khlyen's case study on the chemical properties of plasma, Sayeh?
Delle Sayeh: Definitely not a bestseller. I hope the sequel has more sex.