Dutch: We're doing this for Westerley. It's our home and it's in trouble.
Sparlow: Westerly is always in trouble.

D'avin: I hope this isn't about the prison talent show.
Johnny: Yeah, we are so not ready.

Jaq: Why don't you ever talk about her, my mother?
Delle Sayeh: Because scars bleed when you pick at them.

D'avin: What about Johnny?
Dutch: One crisis at a time.

D'avin: How'd you get past the guards?
Johnny: Never underestimate the power of cleaning sheets nobody else wants to touch.

Dutch: We'll shoot our way out.
Johnny: Brutish. Direct.
D'avin: Suicidal.
Johnny: I was going to say simple. I like it.

What'd you do? Steal someone's heart?

Guard [to Dutch]

Johnny: Let me enlighten you.
Warden: I love it when men explain things to me.

That could have gone better.


I'm done this before and I'm OK. I can no longer taste cheese but ...


Zephyr: Hey, want to have your mind blown? Once you try want I've got, you'll never be the same
Turin: Yeah. I'm sure there's a market out there for Stinky Raincoat sex but it ain't me. Hard pass.
Zephyr: OK, offensive. But that's not what I'm selling.

I've missed you, angry Killjoy.

Zeph [to Turin]

Killjoys Season 5 Quotes

It's your weekend.

D'avin [to Delle Sayeh]

Computer: Did you enjoy Khlyen's case study on the chemical properties of plasma, Sayeh?
Delle Sayeh: Definitely not a bestseller. I hope the sequel has more sex.