Dutch: Alvis you can't be thinking about leaving the scarbacks. Faith has always been everything to you.
Alvis: Faith almost turned me into a mass murderer.
Dutch: That wasn't faith, that was hate.

Turin: Try not to screw this up.
D'avin: Such a dick.

Khlyen: It's time for you to come back to Arkyn.
Dutch: Is that what you wanted? Drive a spike in my neck and pump me full of green shit till I turn into a cold bloodless thing... Like you.
Khlyen: Why Yala, you really don't remember do you?
Dutch: Remember what?
Khlyen: That it's already been done. You're a Six, Yala.

John: Well, to start with it looks like an angry vagina and these things aren't moss... they're centipedes.
D'avin: Moss covered centipedes? Mossipedes?
John: They must use the moss as camouflage, but they move together and must have some sort of hive mind. It's not just that, they're smart.

D'avin: What is this shit?
John: Well, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that it's moss.
D'avin: In a ship? In a desert?
Dutch: They called in for an evac a week ago. Where does this stuff come from Johnny?
D'avin: How did it grow so fast?
John: Seriously, what do you guys think that I'm a mossologist?

Hills: They called it the Aridity Solution. There is no surviving it, don't think. You breathe it in, you die. No, you dry up then you die.
Dutch: It's good to see you Hills.

Dutch: Come with us to Arkyn.
Alvis: I told you, there are no scarbacks on Arkyn.
Dutch: But there were, at some point.
Alvis: Maybe. What are you looking for?
Dutch: Truth. There's something going on in The Quad. I think it started on Arkyn, and I think I need your help.
Alvis: As luck would have it, my schedule's wide open right now.

Pawter: Don't put faith in my family.
Hills: I'm not. My faith's in you, red.

I remember you in the mines, almost getting beat to death for talking back to a Company foreman. Where's that Alvis? Bring him back.


Johnny: That guy's the dickiest dick who ever dicked.
D'avin: Yeah but he's the dick with the keys to The Wall.

We've got bodies. Weird bodies. In every cell. It's like they're mummified.


Dutch: It's good to have you back. It's nice to just be a team again.
D'avin: That's us, the teamiest.

Killjoys Season 2 Quotes

Dutch: I'm just looking for a device. It belonged to the Connavers. They use it to get into Arkyn.
Clara: Why do you want it?
Dutch: My partner, he's trapped down there. He needs my help.

Dutch: Johnny, Khlyen's had D'avin down there for five days. Five! If we don't find him now we may not find him at all.
Johnny: We can't even be sure that he's still down there.
Dutch: You're right, let's go find out.