Dutch: You know that girl you saw on Arkyn, killing all the scarbacks...
D'avin: Yeah
Dutch: How do you know it was me?
D'avin: Well, I know your face. It's a good face.

The Royale is the heart of this town. There's a beat to it. And the people of Old Town, they're its blood. They stumble in here weak and flow out stronger... and drunker, but more hopeful. More alive.


D'avin: Now we need a warrant for Old Town.
Turin: Can I cook you breakfast too?
Johnny: We need to get a friend back inside The Company's Wall. We can't do that without a warrant.
Turin: We actually got one active warrant in Old Town and you don't want it.
Dutch: We'll take it.
Turin: Your funeral.

Dutch: I'm just looking for a device. It belonged to the Connavers. They use it to get into Arkyn.
Clara: Why do you want it?
Dutch: My partner, he's trapped down there. He needs my help.

Now that we're a whole team again, that's our next mission. Getting into Old Town. Getting Pawter and Alvis out.


D'avin: That's some multitasking green shit you've got there.
Khlyen: You have no idea.

Dutch: Clara, Johnny said the shield damages you. This isn't your fight.
Clara: None of them were my fight, but this time I get to choose.

Johnny: You ready?
Pree: Locked and cocked. Let's give these bitches some stitches. What? I rhyme when I'm nervous.

I'm not wearing my dying underwear today. You better get this box moving.


The Connavers implanted their shield in me so I'd guard it.


Every trail we have followed has led us to Arkyn. I know D'av's down there somewhere. I can feel it.


Dutch: I can get you out of here if you can help me get to Arkyn.
Clara: Deal.
Dutch: Now let's go.
Clara: Wait, I'm not leaving without Alice.
Dutch: Who the hell is Alice?
Clara: My good arm. Trust me, you're going to want Alice.

Killjoys Season 2 Quotes

Dutch: I'm just looking for a device. It belonged to the Connavers. They use it to get into Arkyn.
Clara: Why do you want it?
Dutch: My partner, he's trapped down there. He needs my help.

Dutch: Johnny, Khlyen's had D'avin down there for five days. Five! If we don't find him now we may not find him at all.
Johnny: We can't even be sure that he's still down there.
Dutch: You're right, let's go find out.