Look here's what we're gonna do. You're going to get the order of exile rescinded and then I am going to take you to this little place on Leith to celebrate.


Marris Jaqobis, we need to talk about your son D'avin.


Dutch: I'm not going to let D'av's body die because you don't care about him.
Khlyen: On the contrary Yala, I care about him very much. That's why I'm here.

Dutch: I took your advice, I'm not bugging him while he's on his escort with princess pouty.
D'avin: Good for you.
Dutch: I don't see why he's so wrapped up in Pawter.
D'avin: Have you met boobs?
Dutch: Shut up. Johnny's not like that.
D'avin: Have you met Johnny?

Pawter: There used to be a family of four in this picture.
Johnny: Points for being thorough.

Dutch: The last time your head went weird you tried to kill me.
D'avin: Yeah, but you won.

Hank: Ah, we have a ritual for leaving.
Johnny: Yeah but I'm not from Qresh, so I don't give a shit.

Pawter: You know, most parents would be proud to have a doctor in the family.
Adaline: Most families aren't The Nine, and those who are have a duty to do more than treat tummy aches.

You know, maybe the warrant isn't all for me.


Turin: I know where RED 17's last transmission went.
Dutch: Definitely not interrupting. Where?
Turin: Prodigy school. Quadrant 4.
D'av: Prodigy school?
Dutch: School for gifted Westie kids.

Dutch: I need you to help him unlock whatever is in his head, but no one can know about it.
Alvis: I'm very good at keeping confessions. Comes with the sexy robes.

Congrats Delle Seyah, your baby evil overlord takes right after you.


Killjoys Season 2 Quotes

Dutch: I'm just looking for a device. It belonged to the Connavers. They use it to get into Arkyn.
Clara: Why do you want it?
Dutch: My partner, he's trapped down there. He needs my help.

Dutch: Johnny, Khlyen's had D'avin down there for five days. Five! If we don't find him now we may not find him at all.
Johnny: We can't even be sure that he's still down there.
Dutch: You're right, let's go find out.