Elena: A picture is only the surface.
Amber: I don’t want them to be surface happy. I want them to feel it. On the inside.
Elena: Then why don’t you stop focusing on Dan and Riley and Trevor. And you start focusing on Amber. What makes you happy? And not on the surface. I mean, truly, deeply happy.

Elena: Your fantasy wasn’t for your family to be themselves.
Amber: Of course it was.
Elena: It was for them to be happy being the people you want them to be, the people you present them as on social media.

Helene: Hey, Dad-vier…
Javier: Noncommittal. That tracks.

All I did was everything she asked. I kept our relationship a secret when she wanted to keep it a secret. I learned salsa because she likes to dance. Threw her a prom. Ruby, I made her a chair out of rattan. Do you have any idea how long it takes to make a chair out of rattan?


Elena: Of course, no relationship is perfect.
Oliver: Ours is pretty close. I make sure of that.

The work can drain the cup. Talking to someone, taking care of my own needs, even just a little. That can help refill it.


The more you paper over the issues, y’know, the more artificial it is.


Javier: Is everything okay?
Nancy: Fantastic. Yeah, no holds barred therapy. I’m helping people at warp speed.
Javier: Huh. Do they feel helped?
Nancy: Real change is scary. And hard. And often doesn’t feel good at first.
Javier: Can’t argue with that.

Elena: Isn’t everyone’s story different?
Nancy: Oh, we all want to think that. We want to believe that we are some rare, beautiful flower.
Elena: What are we?
Nancy: Dandelions. Every one of us. No one has an original problem and I’ve seen it all. The solutions don’t work if clients don’t get there themselves so I have to wait for them to catch up. Y’know, months, years. I just want to help people quickly.

Nancy: Look, I believe in therapy. I’m committed to the process. Clients need to find solutions themselves.
Elena: But?
Nancy: But I know more than they do. And I know how that sounds. I promise it’s not conceit. I’ve just been doing this a long time. I know what people need within three minutes.

Ruby: You’re so in love!
Oliver: More than that. I actually like him. Y’know, he’s kind, he’s thoughtful, he’s hilarious, and he has a great sense of direction, which I very much do not. So, complete package.

Ross: The plane wouldn’t do what I told it to do!
Frank: Oh, well, why didn’t you use that condescending tone that works so well for you on the ground?

Fantasy Island Season 2 Quotes

They think they’re holding each other up, but I’m afraid they are holding each other back.


Andi: Do you have any pets?
Roarke: Well, I had a dog. Sort of. His name was Mr. Jones.
Andi: Did he pass?
Roarke: No, no, no. He reconnected with his wife and moved back to the mainland.