Ruby: What is the rush? I don’t even see the plane yet.
Roarke: Oh, we’re not using the plane today.
Ruby: What, no plane? Wait a minute, did Javier quit?
Roarke: No, Javier didn’t quit. We’re using the boat.
Ruby: Oh. We have a boat?

Ruby: Okay, I’m sorry, I’m done gushing now.
Shay: Oh, you can gush all you want. Gushings what I live on. It’s my air.

Ruby: You have something up your sleeve, don’t you?
Roarke: Always.

Shay: It’s that damn lyric. Walk a country mile in someone else’s boots. I’m supposed to walk in your boots. Eat humble pie.
Beau: Let me know if you need tips. Cause humble pie is most of my diet.

Shay: I mean, I wasn’t born a star, y’know. I came up from nothing. I know how to be nothing. You know what I mean.
Beau: Pretty sure I do.

Shay: You ever try sourcing decorative Stetsons on an equatorial island? I got a Panama. You like it?
Beau: Look, all I know is I need a fringed vest and remember, any vest is a fringed vest if you own a pair of scissors.
Shay: You want me to infringe something?
Beau: You have no idea of all the problems that I solve for you without you even knowing about them. I’m just asking for a little bit of fringe!

Shay: I treat you like family!
Beau: Well, then you treat your family like crap.

Shay: You still have to figure out how to pretend you have a voice.
Beau: I would rather not have a voice than not have a soul.

Ruby: Pleasant dreams?
Isla: Too many eels. But you were there which was nice.
Ruby: Why were there eels?
Isla: Well, it was a party.

Beau: I gave her a tape once. A demo. She said is wasn’t bad.
Roarke: Well, that sounds encouraging.
Beau: In music, not bad means terrible. Not good enough. And honestly, I think that maybe a part of me wanted to hear that. Because it kept me from trying and failing which is the only thing that can really kill the dream.

Helene: Y’know, when I say you should meet me for breakfast, I thought breakfast would be something a little more portable.
Ruby: Any breakfast that can fit on one plate isn’t worth eating.

Ruby: He wants to do this for you.
Helene: I just think it was an impulsive offer.
Ruby: Javier isn’t impulsive.
Helene: Yes, because men with kids they didn’t know about are famous for weighing consequences.

Fantasy Island Season 2 Quotes

They think they’re holding each other up, but I’m afraid they are holding each other back.


Andi: Do you have any pets?
Roarke: Well, I had a dog. Sort of. His name was Mr. Jones.
Andi: Did he pass?
Roarke: No, no, no. He reconnected with his wife and moved back to the mainland.