Roarke: Now tell me what do you feel exactly. And don’t say irritated.
Joy: I guess I do feel powerful. Fierce.
Roarke: Yes, I can see that. What else?
Joy: Maybe a little triumphant?
Roarke: You are. In other words?
Joy: Joy. I’m Joy of the Jungle.

Frank: Hey, where are you going?
Bridge: To get away from you two.
Ross: Wait! No, no, no, wait. We gotta be miserable together!

Ross: Oh, Frank. I think you broke my nose.
Frank: Nose? Try my knuckles. Your head is like a rock.

Arguments come and go, but love doesn’t.


Bridge: When Mom got sick, you left us to handle everything. You came home two days before she died.
Ross: And you’re one to talk. You’re off the grid for what, two years? What was the name of that commune?
Bridge: It was a utopian community and its name was Bite Me, You Self-Righteous Douche-Canoe.

Ross: You know what, Frank? You don’t want to follow my lead anymore? That’s fine. I officially resign from being in charge.
Frank: You can’t resign from it because we never hired you. All our lives, you’ve been putting yourself in charge. We haven’t asked you to do that once.

Ross: Do either of you have a better idea?
Frank: No! But I can still hate it because you came up with it.

Segundo: How do you feel, Elena?
Roarke: Like I’ve been pushed to the center of a stage, and nobody has told me what the play is.

Judy: Maybe we should take a chill pill.
Marsha: It’s the 80s thing to do.
Nora: Rad.

  • Permalink: Rad.
  • Added:

I experienced something last night, something magical, and I don’t mean Island magic. I mean human flesh and blood magic, and if I’m going to spend the rest of my life here, on this Island, I want more of that. Flesh and blood magic.


Elena: I just thought of something nice that I can do for you.
Segundo: As long as I don’t end up back in the eighties. Polyester gave me a rash.

Nora: I’ve lived my life doing everything I was expected to do and now…
Rosemarie: …you feel like you haven’t lived.

Fantasy Island Season 2 Quotes

They think they’re holding each other up, but I’m afraid they are holding each other back.


Andi: Do you have any pets?
Roarke: Well, I had a dog. Sort of. His name was Mr. Jones.
Andi: Did he pass?
Roarke: No, no, no. He reconnected with his wife and moved back to the mainland.