Ruby: Maybe you could use your time here getting to know each other again.
Dutch: Oh, we know each other.
Dolly: Oh, I know every thought, sound, and smell this man can make.

Ruby: You know what? I’ll plan Mateo’s bachelor party.
Roarke: That seems like the opposite of what’s going to make you feel better after a break-up.
Ruby: Well, maybe basking in somebody’s joy will be good for me.
Roarke: Okay, but no strippers.

Fantasy Island delivers fantasies, not fairy tales. What you want and envisioned may be different from what you need.


Shawn: You’re smart for a Gen Z brat.
Helene: Maybe I’m just here to drop some Gen Z wisdom on your scaredy-cat millennial butt.

Helene: Ok, so you’re absolutely sure you did not have sex with a blue-eyed woman in Belize in the middle of a hurricane?
Shawn: I’m sure.
Helene: Can you just give me a percentage? Cause despite this whole bro vibe, you seem like solid dad material.
Shawn: Hundred percent. I only had sex with a woman once. Bethany… Willen. Michigan, brown eyes, snowing. And I only did it to confirm I don’t want to have sex with a woman twice.

Roarke: Know what I think you need? Closure. When I had to end things with James, I gathered everything that reminded me of him, then I had a ceremony and I released it. Maybe you should do the same thing.
Ruby: I don’t know. Sounds a little woo-woo-y.
Roarke: Well, we do live on a magical island.

A fantasy is a journey. One that will take you to unexpected places where you’ll learn unexpected things.


Helene: My fantasy is to find him.
Ruby: Your father?
Helene: My biological father. Y’know, with my mom gone, I just feel kind of untethered. I want to be connected to something. Like, what if I need a kidney?

Fantasy Island isn’t tethered in a particular time or reality, which means the Island is free to show our guests possibilities. What could be, what could’ve been.


Look, I get it. You’re new at this, and I was a safe space. But love should be a little scary.


Jessica: What happened to us?
Tara: Instead of pushing each other to be braver, we stuck with what made us feel safe.
Jessica: Each other.
Tara: We have to stop doing that. We needed to cling to each other in high school, but maybe being each other’s life rafts kept us from learning to swim on our own.

Baron: I love you.
Andi: You do?
Baron: Of course. You’re Food Lady. Among my kind, that is the highest honor. You feed me wet and dry food and treats. Everyday. And you tend to my latrine. And you always fill the birdfeeder with birdseed. And when it’s cold at night, you let me climb on your lap and cuddle. I am so happy. I want you to be, too. You don’t have nine lives like I do, just this one. I want you to have the best life.

Fantasy Island Quotes

Every fantasy runs its natural course and your's has just begun.


On Fantasy Island, you’ll find it’s best to meet people where they’re at without judgment.
