Nora: I don’t blame you for being a criminal. Sounds so exciting.
Rosemarie: Are you forgetting the shattered table? And the blood?
Nora: I just feel so boring next to you.
Rosemarie: Boring? Or bored? There’s a difference.

You said something once, I remember, about how it was more important to love yourself than be loved by any man. It was bad enough when my husband stopped loving me, but I had to leave before I stopped loving myself.


Nora: I’ve lived my life doing everything I was expected to do and now…
Rosemarie: …you feel like you haven’t lived.

Elena: I just thought of something nice that I can do for you.
Segundo: As long as I don’t end up back in the eighties. Polyester gave me a rash.

Roarke: Welcome to Fantasy Island, and happy anniversary! Thirty-four years!
Dutch: And it only feels like seventy.

Is their marriage a source of mutual strength … or a handcuffed march to the grave?


Elena: Good morning!
Ruby: Mmm, that is your opinion. And can you please turn the sun down a notch? What is the point in having a magical island if it doesn’t have a dimmer?

Welcome to This is Your Marriage, the game of malicious assumption.


Ruby: I put back on my wedding ring just to signal to the world that I am done. I mean, what’s the point?
Helene: Yes! Yes, yes, what is the point is very twenty-something.
Ruby: Yay. Cheers to nihilism.

Dolly: It’s supposed to be about how sometimes, the thing you want is closer than you realize.
Dutch: Right. And yet that doesn’t make it any easier to find.

And as the sun rose, dripping from the sea / The truth shone there, in front of me / That farther from the sky from land / Is the gap between two grains of sand.


Roarke: And the rings are off.
Ruby: Wow. Marriage goes poof, just like that?
Roarke: We’ll see. People steer their own futures, even here.

Fantasy Island Quotes

Every fantasy runs its natural course and your's has just begun.


On Fantasy Island, you’ll find it’s best to meet people where they’re at without judgment.
