Doctor: How do you feel?
Quagmire's Mom: Horny. Really horny. Could you put him back so I can push him out again?

Stewie: Which is hugging someone really hard with your legs.
Brian: Nope.
Stewie: Oh, well you'll tell me if I get it right?

Does this mean you're going to move to Europe to make movies?


I don't want to go to jail, but I really want to take credit.


Random Party-Goer: You want to go upstairs?
Meg: Sure!
Random Party-Goer: Good. Go.

  • Permalink: Good. Go.
  • Added:

Have you seen my copy of "Into the WIld?"


Let's go take a ride in my open jeep. I took the doors off so it's extra terrifying.


No, I'm sorry. I thought this was a bank.


You shouldn't have to do porn to feel appreciated.


Wait, hold on Brian, everyone deserves a proper funeral. Why do you think we're saving that VCR box in the basement?


Stewie: Hey Brian, show her your Boost mobil phone.
Brian: Stewie has AIDs.

Peter: It feels like just yesterday, she was born!
Doctor: You want to cut the cord?
Peter: Yeah, sure!
Doctoer: Okay that wasn't the cord, and now you've got a girl.

Family Guy Season 13 Quotes

"I cut your name into my arm so I can always remember you."


"I used to love Duff when I was younger, but I haven't even had it in like 13 years."
