Marvin: You've to wipe the slate clean and start all over again, and this time on a budget and without dependents.
Turtle: So should I just get an appetizer?
Marvin: You should go on hunger strike

Drama [about bankruptcy]: You're a better man than me, bro'. I filed three times. Maybe that's why I'm alone.
Marvin: Maybe it's because you're fukcing ugly.

Lloyd: What about doggy poo?
Ari: Human shit Lloyd. Yours if it's easier. Otherwise, go camp out in the men's bathroom or the women's bathroom which ever will have you. But I need a specimen!

Eric: You're calling to apologize?
Ari: I'm calling to tell you that I blame you for every bad thing that's ever happened to Vince, and every bad thing that ever could happen to him for the rest of his life. You're the unfucking lucky charm, you hear me? You should never utter the words "I found a good script", cause you have no idea what a good fucking script looks like.

Eric: Come on Ari, I'm calling as a friend, all right? I need your help. It's a really good script, can you help me?
Ari: Yes, I can E. Lloyd! Get the number for UCLA Extension so Eric can take a course of finally learning how the movie business works.

Eric: I wanna sell their script, I need an agent to do that.
Ari: Try the Yellow Pages.

Ari: I never lied to you..
Mark Wahlberg: What about when you told me you liked The Truth About Charlie?
Ari: What is the truth about Charlie?

Eric: So what you want us to do? Sit around and do nothing?
Ari: I thought you weren't gonna talk, but since you are: yes. You should sit around and do nothing, or maybe go to Vinnie's super secret hideaway in Mexico and come back when you're tanned. Or tall. Whichever comes first.

No Indies E! Think of it as the holocaust, never again!


Turtle: So, with all that dancing, can you do any crazy shit? You know, like put your legs behind your head.
Dancer: I told you, I have a boyfriend.
Turtle: You did. But you also said you lie to him. So, maybe you can tell him that we didn't fuck today

Let me be heard this time and I swear to God, you will be stronger than you ever were. Like Lance Armstrong, but with two balls


Ari: You just sit tight. Okay, you wait.
Vince: Wait for what?
Ari: For the stench from Medillin to disappear.
Vince: How long's that gonna take?
Ari: How long did it take for the air to clear from fucking Chernobyl?

Entourage Season 5 Quotes

Agent: I liked Medellin, Ari.
Ari: Then you're a fucking idiot!

I remember crying myself to sleep when Roger Ebert singled out my performance in License to Drive as the end of the golden age of cinema
