You said it was small, and small people think small so I can't totally blame you for that..

Ari [referring to the script Eric found]

Hey good news Lloyd, Vince will have a new movie poster for you to whack off to soon


Ari: Remember when you said the car would make me feel 25 again? Well, it made me feel 18 again, and I'm gonna prove it to you.
Mrs. Ari: What about the kids?
Ari: You know what, Sarah take care of your brother. Mommy and daddy have a little conference.
Mrs. Ari: Are you still taking me to dinner?
Ari: it's doubtful

Ari: A shattered world is what you get when you mess with Ari Gold!
Lloyd: Well, if you ask me, Ari Gold should rise up, and be the bigger man.
Ari: Well, unlike your world, where the bigger man pounds the smaller man from behind, the bigger man in my world is the last man standing. And that man will be me, all right?

Now, I now you don't know man code, so I want you to swear on Tom getting gangrene on his cock, that you will say nothing.


Davies: Hope you're not calling me for releasing your hard on, Ari.
Ari: I call your mother for that, Davies. I actually wanna talk to you about a little misunderstanding. See, practical jokes are for friends, and we ain't friends

Eric: Vince needs a job, Ari.
Ari: I understand that Eric, but you need to understand that you are the reason he doesn't have one. Vince needs a studio movie, not an Indie! So don't waste my fucking time with the possibility that maybe Ed Norton might read or may not read some fucking script that may or may not be good because some half ass agent who couldn't carry my sperm sample likes it, ok!?

Ari [picking up the phone]: WHAT?
Eric: Oh, that's a nice greeting the Miller Gold Agency's got going on there, Ari.
Ari: Yeah, well listen, if I knew it was you it would have been a lot worse, What!?

Ari: How about we race for pink slips? I was thinking about getting that car for my daughter, for her sweet sixteen.
Adam Davies: Daughter is almost sixteen Ari? Two more years and she's legal.
Ari: Watch it Davies!

Adam Davies: Wow, nice car Ari!
Ari: Anniversary gift from the wife, thanks Davies.
Adam Davies: Oh, that's right. I forgot you married into money. Good for you Ari, good for you.
Ari: We only use our money for the small stuff. You know, someday when you're done sucking on Terrence's tit you might get yourself a real men's car like this

Like the great philosopher Sun Tzu said, "When you're done fucking your enemies, fuck them some more"


Lloyd you speak their language, make it stop!

Ari [referring to the male strippers]

Entourage Season 5 Quotes

Agent: I liked Medellin, Ari.
Ari: Then you're a fucking idiot!

I remember crying myself to sleep when Roger Ebert singled out my performance in License to Drive as the end of the golden age of cinema
