Alice: Are you ready to hear what I think?
Ocean: I had an option this whole time?

Alice: Doesn't it bother you that we both magically forgot being on Coryana together? That there were obviously pieces of both our memories wiped?
Ocean: I grow psychedelic mushrooms for a living. You think it's the first memory I've lost?

Ocean: The idea of picking a fight with a warlord sounds like a lot of work.
Alice: Trust me. It's a full-time job.

Ocean: If you really believed I tried to blow up your sister's airplane, this conversation would look a lot more like you fumbling to kill me again.
Alice: I wasn't fumbling, I was due diligence-ing. It will be very clear when I transition to actual murder.

To be clear, you think I pulled out a tube of my lipstick, wrote this note, hunted you down, and then tossed it at your feet because I don't have anything better to do?


Angelique: We have been waiting for a doctor for two hours.
Doctor: Oh, well, actually, I'm not her attending.
Angelique: Oh, actually, have you heard of a little issue in your medical community called implicit bias?
Doctor: Sorry, we're coding down the hall.
Angelique: Let me educate you on something.
Ryan: Ang! Please, he's busy!
Angelique: It is the reason black women die of neglect at a disproportionately high rate in this country. We're not having that tonight. You need to get my girl some actual care before you need your own.

Nobody robs banks anymore? You gotta loot mom and pop shops?

Mary: Evan, you need to find a better suit. Spandex is no match for an oncoming SUV.
Evan: But it's so comfortable.

Alice: Hey, do you have any cash? We should probably leave the maid a tip.
Ocean: You're dark.

Alice: I have spent more years of my life in captivity than any elephant in the Gotham Zoo. The key to surviving? Keep yourself entertained.
Ocean: Rough childhood?
Alice: You could say I come by my abandonment issues honestly.

If Evan Blake is the style guide, this party's about to look like The Hunger Games.


Alice: Shall I explain?
Ocean: I do wish you would.
Alice: Some lunatic on a faraway island is holding my sister hostage and she won't hand her over until I gut you and airmail the evidence.
Ocean: This woman got a name?
Alice: Enough women want you dead I need to be specific?

Batwoman Quotes

Native American Trainer: Too slow.
Kate Kane: You covered the damn hole!
Native American Trainer: And you found way. Own way. Tomorrow, find faster.

Trust me, this isn't the story I expected to be telling. But you know as well as I do that stories, like the people who tell them, aren't always what they seem.

Kate Kane