I used to love swimming when I was a kid. I loved it.


Pope: What that guy said was right. I am the devil.
Cassandra: Andrew, the devil is just an angel who lost his way. Dad's the one who sent him away. What did he expect?

J: Your grandmother needs to sign.
Lark: Oh, don't worry, I sign everything on her behalf. It looks like yo know a thing or two about that. Because some of those property titles have your signature on it.
J: I was Smurf's power attorney for a while.
Lark: Why you and not your uncles?
J: Why you?
Lark: Phoenix doesn't have the patience.
J: Neither do my uncles.

Parker: I get it, Ben's afraid of you, but I don't know you and I don't really care. I just want my shit back.
Deran: I don't know what to tell you. I've got nothing to give you.

You were right. What we did for Pamela. It worked. I'm glad we got the house back.


Tommy: People are saying that you and your brothers took care of Adrian. I mean, I know you said he's been on that boat trip but...
Deran: But what?
Tommy: I don't know. He's just been gone a while now. Things feel different since your mom's been gone.

Things come up. You can always call me.


Pete: I thought you were just too pussy to hold the coke yourself than some federal shows up at my door today and I started putting two and two together.
J: Wait, put what together?
Pete: That you're trying to set me up!
J: I don't know what you're talking about! Who showed up?! What's going on?
Pete: DEA. Livengood.
J: Oh shit. He find it?
Pete: No. And he won't. I got rid of it.
J: What?
Pete: It's gone. I'm not going to federal prison for your bullshit.
J: You could've called me. You could've told me about this. You could've reached out. I coulv'e moved it.
Pete: You really want to tell me what I could and couldn't do right now?
J: Hey, hey' it's not my fault that you have heat on your end right now.
Pete: That's where you're wrong bro. The heat's on you.
J: What are you talking about?
Pete: Yeah, the only thing this guy seemed to care about was Deran.

Cassandra: Brian was scared of you.
Pope: A lot of people are.
Cassandra: Should I be?
Pope: No.
Cassandra: Good.

If you would've asked about this guy two weeks ago instead of two hours ago we wouldn't have this problem. Everybody's got a boss, Janine. It's about time you figure out who yours is.


Wait, is there a file on Smurf? On our family? I want to see it.


Her darkness is inside you, I can see her!


Animal Kingdom Season 5 Quotes

Smurf killed their father, and we stole their gold. This is never going to blow over, Craig.


Craig: What's the plan?
Pope: We give it back.
Craig: This is a million dollars in gold.
Deran: Naw, Pope's right.