We're not here because of me. We're here because you didn't have the balls to shoot your boyfriend.


Deran: Where you been man?
Pope: It doesn't matter. I'm home.
Deran: Yeah? You get your shit together or are you going to keep acting like a psycho and taking off again?

Smurf: Next time, you're the decoy because that was boring as hell.
Pamela: Like anyone is bending over backwards for my black ass.

Pope: What's that for? You going somewhere?
J: I'm leaving.
Pope: No you're not. Put it back. I said put it back. Put it back!
J: I'm leaving, Pope.
Pope: You leave and I'll find you.

Renn: I have to get to Tanya's.
Craig: As long as you're taking Nick.

Deran: One cop shows up and you flush half a million dollars of coke down the toilet?
Pete: What, I'm a liar now?
Deran: Either that or a pussy.
Pete: Damn. Smurf's little boys, every one of you a pain in my ass.This is what I get for trying to help out an old friend. Let me tell you, we are done with that shit now. So the next time you, your nephew, your crazy brother, or your coked-out brother come around here, you ain't leaving.

Hey, you're never going to leave me right, baby? Both of you. You're never going to leave me.


Pope: What that guy said was right. I am the devil.
Cassandra: Andrew, the devil is just an angel who lost his way. Dad's the one who sent him away. What did he expect?

J: Your grandmother needs to sign.
Lark: Oh, don't worry, I sign everything on her behalf. It looks like yo know a thing or two about that. Because some of those property titles have your signature on it.
J: I was Smurf's power attorney for a while.
Lark: Why you and not your uncles?
J: Why you?
Lark: Phoenix doesn't have the patience.
J: Neither do my uncles.

I used to love swimming when I was a kid. I loved it.


Pete: I thought you were just too pussy to hold the coke yourself than some federal shows up at my door today and I started putting two and two together.
J: Wait, put what together?
Pete: That you're trying to set me up!
J: I don't know what you're talking about! Who showed up?! What's going on?
Pete: DEA. Livengood.
J: Oh shit. He find it?
Pete: No. And he won't. I got rid of it.
J: What?
Pete: It's gone. I'm not going to federal prison for your bullshit.
J: You could've called me. You could've told me about this. You could've reached out. I coulv'e moved it.
Pete: You really want to tell me what I could and couldn't do right now?
J: Hey, hey' it's not my fault that you have heat on your end right now.
Pete: That's where you're wrong bro. The heat's on you.
J: What are you talking about?
Pete: Yeah, the only thing this guy seemed to care about was Deran.

Things come up. You can always call me.


Animal Kingdom Season 5 Quotes

Smurf killed their father, and we stole their gold. This is never going to blow over, Craig.


Craig: What's the plan?
Pope: We give it back.
Craig: This is a million dollars in gold.
Deran: Naw, Pope's right.