Pope: Why do you want to do this?
Chadwick: Excuse me?
Pope: Why do you want to work with my family?
Chadwick: Public service is overrated and underpaid.
Pope: There's easier ways to make money.
Chadwick: Working security a Coachella when I'm off duty isn't really my thing.

Deran: One grand a month.
Chadwick: I'm worth more than that.

Deran: What are you doing? Throwing everything away?
Pope: Yeah, Smurf chose it. I hate it.

Craig: You know this race has been going on since I was in kindergarten. You assholes show up with t-shirts?
Parker:I'm just trying to support the community, man.
Craig: Oh yeah? Where you from?
Parker: L.A.
Craig: This look like LA to you?
Deran: Can you give me a medium instead? I think I'm going to use it to wipe my ass later.

Lark: Well, I've got one more question for you.
J: What?
Lark: Do you ever smile?

J: What is it?
Deran: It's Baz's murder file.

Adrian loved you. He believed in you. That's over now.


Deran: Why are you staring at me like that?
Craig: Because you're the one who told J to get rid of the coke in a flash.
Deran: Yeah, because I didn't want it in the house.
Craig: Yeah, because you have the DEA sniffing around, right? We have nothing! How many times am I saying we need cash? But nah, you and J have to go around measuring dicks!
Deran: Yeah, what have you done?
Craig: What have I done?
Deran: What have you done?! I didn't tell that asshole to move it to Pete's!
Craig: Yeah, you know what? J is an asshole, but so are you. You're an asshole. So congratulations on both being assholes! I'm sick of this shit, man!

J: If things were to change, how long would it take to divide things up?
Lark: What's changed?
J: How long?
Lark: Well, we draw up new paperwork, but it would be easier if your uncles just bought you out.

J: Pete flushed the coke.
Craig: What?
J: That's what happens when the DEA shows up.
Craig: What was it doing at Pete's?
J: Deran told me to move it.
Craig: To Pete's?
J: It doesn't matter, man. It's gone.
Craig: What do you mean it's gone? I could be back to zero right now!
J: I know. That's why we got to find Deran right now.
Craig: Deran? This is on you!
J: Me?
Craig: You lied about this job in the first place--
J: Me?!
Craig: And said it was cash. This shit started with you! What, you got nothing to say now?
J: Adrian was Deran's problem, and now he's all of our problem. Do you understand me?

Henry: Why are you doing this?
Pope: Because kids need their mothers and they should be with their mothers. I mean if their mothers are good.
Henry: I think she is.
Pope: good.

Smurf: Next time, you're the decoy because that was boring as hell.
Pamela: Like anyone is bending over backwards for my black ass.

Animal Kingdom Season 5 Quotes

Smurf killed their father, and we stole their gold. This is never going to blow over, Craig.


Craig: What's the plan?
Pope: We give it back.
Craig: This is a million dollars in gold.
Deran: Naw, Pope's right.