James: Don't let those traders swindle you.
Margaret: I plan on doin' the swindlin'.
James: [chuckles] I bet.

James: You don't point this at anyone unless you plan to use it.
Elsa: [sneers] I was gonna use it.

Colton: They was more than paired up. She's in mourning like a damn widow.
Wade: She is a widow.

James: Girl, you go lookin' for trouble, you're gonna find it every time.
Elsa: I wasn't lookin' for nothin' and it still found me.

Margaret: [crying] Wherever we're going, it better be paradise 'cause it's costing us a daughter. And if you ask me, it's a shitty trade.
James: We ain't tradin' nothin'.
Margaret: She killed a man!! And she was about to kill another. I look in her eyes and the person starin' back at me, I don't recognize. I'll never forgive you for this!
James: You don't forgive me? I don't forgive me!

You did not kill him, understand? The meanest thing you can do to yourself is hate somebody else. I know what it feels like to hate the world. You don't want to feel it, honey. Be sad, miss him, cry yourself blind. Leave the hatin' to me.


Neomi: Why did you buy me this?
Thomas: Well, if I looked like you, I figure I'd stare at myself every chance I got.
Neomi: This is a present.
Thomas: Yes, it is.
Neomi: You won't marry me. You won't love me. But you'll buy me gifts?
Thomas: You're sad and scared. You have every right to be. If I can give ya somethin' that will make you happy and protect you, I don't see the harm in it.
Neomi: You want me happy.
Thomas: Of course, I do.
Neomi: You want me to feel safe.
Thomas: Yes, mam.
Neomi: That's love. Me letting you take care of me is not fear. It's loving you back. [she removes her dress] Do I look scared to you? [kneels before him] I'm not the scared one. You are. [they kiss]

Elsa: Don't bother flirtin' with me.
Colton: Why not?
Elsa: You're too pretty for me. I prefer to be the pretty one. Bet you prefer it, too. [he laughs]

Shea: Spring back in your step, I see.
Elsa: You're the only person who talked to me about him. Thank you. [kisses him on the cheek]

I think cities have weakened us as a species. Mistakes have no consequences there. Step into the road without looking, and the carriage merely stops or swerves. The only consequence, an angry driver. But here, there can be no mistakes because here doesn't care. The river doesn't care if you can swim. The snake doesn't care how much you love your children, and the wolf has no interest in your dreams. If you fail to beat the current, you will drown. If you get too close, you will be bitten. If you are too weak, you will be eaten.


I'd known death since I was a child. It's everywhere. But it had never touched me. It had never placed its rotten finger on my heart until today. Today, my eyes died. I see the world through my mother's eyes now. Yes, freedom has fangs and it sunk them in me. I chose to love him. He chose to love me back, then chose to protect me. And a man we've never met chose to kill him and made me colorblind. [kills the man] Maybe killin' this man will get my eyes back. Maybe it won't, but I chose to find out.


Elsa: If I have a baby, are you man enough to help raise it? Well?
Ennis: You ain't like anyone I ever met. Hell yes, I'm man enough! Doubt I'm that lucky, though.
Elsa: [kisses him] Mornin'.
Ennis: Good mornin'.
Elsa: I'm gonna go tell Daddy.
Ennis: Tell daddy what?
Elsa: That we're gettin' married!

1883 Season 1 Quotes

You've got no horses, no guns, you can't ride. You are a fuckin' fool thinkin' you can travel two thousand miles with no skills to survive it.


That should answer any questions about how dangerous this journey will be. It will be that and worse, all the way to Oregon.
