Sam: Now you know how to steal horse.
Elsa: Hm. It could come in handy someday.
Sam: [chuckles] You stick with me, it will.

Margaret: She said she'd ride with us to Oregon and come back to him in the spring. Let's just hope she falls in love in Oregon.
James: With the pattern she's established, she'll fall in love again by Nebraska. [They both crack up]

James: I bet there's immigrant kids fallin' in love behind every bush along this creek. Ours just doesn't hide it. If she loves somethin', she'll hold its hand in front of the whole world.
Margaret: She gets that from you.
James: She gets racin' up that hill from me. But the way she loves? She gets that from you; that's why it scares you so bad.
Margaret: You're not scared?
James: My fear is selfish. I just want to be with her. Know her children when she has 'em. But I can't alter the course of her life just cause of how bad I'm gonna miss her.

Thomas: It's gonna be hard enough with you. We ain't go no chance without you. I ain't never asked you for nothin', but I'm askin' you now. Don't leave us, Captain.
Elsa: Where you goin'?
Shea: What happened to you?
Elsa: I killed a buffalo. Ate its heart to keep its strength. Where ya goin'?
Shea: Oregon, honey. With you.
Elsa: I'm not goin' to Oregon. I'm stayin' here.

Charlie: When we meet again, it will be on a trail if there's one left.
Shea: I think this is my last trail, Charlie.
Charlie: Well, then I guess this is audios.
Shea: Audios, my friend.

Got her some chaps! It's official. You're all cowboy now.


Elsa: The side tore up.
Margaret: Mmm. You have another dress.
Elsa: I'd rather wear a bean sack than be choked by a damn dress.

I don't know where I'm goin', but I ain't goin' to Denver, and I sure as hell ain't going back.


Margaret: You know why he lets you run wild, don't you?
Elsa: Because he trusts me too.
Margaret: Because he knows dresses is your future. No matter where we go, you're wearin' dresses and raisin' babies and sweatin' over a garden and swallowin' every dream you ever had because that's all the world wants from you. We may find someplace where we can hold the world off for a while, but they'll find us there too, and bring all their rules with it.

Everywhere you go, blessing follows. You know how to steal horses; now I'll teach you to hunt, Lightning with the Yellow Hair.


James: You, me, and Thomas go for the herd. The rest will stay with the wagons.
Elsa: I'm goin' with you.
James: Young lady, you have been in your last gunfight.
Elsa: You just said is as likely they double back as move on. Then the gunfight's back there and you're here. If there's gonna be a gunfight, I wanna be with you.
James: Can I get some help here?
Shea: Sorry to say, it sounds like she's winnin' this argument.
James: When we find 'em, you sit still till we're done with 'em. Understand? [she nods, and James gives her a pistol]
Colton [to Wade]: This is the strangest outfit I've ever worked for.

Colton: Welp, I see where the girl gets it.
Wade: Apple don't fall far.
John: You wanna hunt for grasshoppers?

1883 Season 1 Quotes

You've got no horses, no guns, you can't ride. You are a fuckin' fool thinkin' you can travel two thousand miles with no skills to survive it.


That should answer any questions about how dangerous this journey will be. It will be that and worse, all the way to Oregon.
