John: What does fuck mean, mama?
Margaret: It means a spankin' and a good one if you say it again.
John: Is he gettin' a spankin'?
James: Some form of one's probably headed his way son.

Cook: Half a steak for him? [Margaret slaps him] OK, whole steak.
Margaret: Use that word in front of my son again, I'm gonna stab you with this fuckin' fork.

Josef: What is this fuck?
Cook: What did you just call me?
Josef: What is this fuck?
Shea: He don't know what that word means. Neither does he [pointing at John]. And he's about to ask her, then Lord help ya. So maybe don't use it, huh?
Cook: It's a hard one to shake, Shea.
Shea: Well, start shakin'.

Everything you see and everything you saw yesterday is my home! You're always welcome in it, Lightning with the Yellow Hair!


Colton: Welp, I see where the girl gets it.
Wade: Apple don't fall far.
John: You wanna hunt for grasshoppers?

Shea: Any chance you saw those cattle?
Cook: Yeah, I saw 'em about a, about a mile back. Six of your boys was gatherin' 'em up.
Shea: We don't have six boys.

Shea: Cattle thieves gathered the herd.
James: Where?
Shea: Couple miles north.
James: How many?
Shea: Six.
Wade: Well, let's go get 'em.
Thomas: They could hold the cattle up. Double back and go after the pioneers next.
Colton: Just have 'em circle the wagons.
Shea: We don't have wagons to circle anymore.

Elsa: Commanches can charge a tax?
Colton: It's their land, they can do whatever they want.
Wade: Only people that think this is America still live in Washington.

James: You, me, and Thomas go for the herd. The rest will stay with the wagons.
Elsa: I'm goin' with you.
James: Young lady, you have been in your last gunfight.
Elsa: You just said is as likely they double back as move on. Then the gunfight's back there and you're here. If there's gonna be a gunfight, I wanna be with you.
James: Can I get some help here?
Shea: Sorry to say, it sounds like she's winnin' this argument.
James: When we find 'em, you sit still till we're done with 'em. Understand? [she nods, and James gives her a pistol]
Colton [to Wade]: This is the strangest outfit I've ever worked for.

James: Girl, you go lookin' for trouble, you're gonna find it every time.
Elsa: I wasn't lookin' for nothin' and it still found me.

Colton: They was more than paired up. She's in mourning like a damn widow.
Wade: She is a widow.

James: You don't point this at anyone unless you plan to use it.
Elsa: [sneers] I was gonna use it.

1883 Season 1 Quotes

You've got no horses, no guns, you can't ride. You are a fuckin' fool thinkin' you can travel two thousand miles with no skills to survive it.


That should answer any questions about how dangerous this journey will be. It will be that and worse, all the way to Oregon.
